Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness! - Vol. 3 Ch. 5 - I Shall Take You Up on Your Offer With Pleasure

Active member
Dec 18, 2018
This was one of the better ones I think! I was completely not expecting that ending! The entire country is super ugly because of an illusion and the girl was actually a dragon! Pure gold! XD
Aggregator gang
Aug 7, 2018
@NoireNowaru I think the "everyone is beautiful" spell could have been an interesting concept, but the way it fits into the story is so...ten-years-old-ish? "My crown prince fiancee broke off my engagement, but I don't care, because I never loved him in the first place and I'm actually in love with a dragon who's a god and can turn into my ideal guy. He picks me up when I run out of the castle and we swear our love and then all of those people who hated me beg for my mercy because they're actually all uggos underneath the magic I put on them when I was a baby to make them all beautiful (because it was soooo gross being around them. I'm beautiful for real of course). Anyway I take off the magic and I get my dragon wings (because I'm a dragon too, and my dad was the previous head of the dragons so I'm actually a dragon princess) and we fly off into the night together while all those mean, ugly people wail because they're sooo ugly now and the girl who stole my fiancee (the prince, not the dragon) from me will have to marry him now that he's ugly. Serves her right!" Not to say that one should blame little kids for not being circumspect about their fantasies, but...I definitely expect circumspection from people old enough to get their stories published.
May 9, 2019
I think this was one of the worst stories in this anthology. The art is absolutely beautiful but the story is a bit ridiculous and childish in MY opinion and doesn't execute the subverting expectations trope really well (if that is what the author was going for anyway). I don't think I'll come back to reread this one in the future but I'll definitely reread some of the other stories that suit my tastes a bit more.
Double-page supporter
Jan 16, 2019
somehow.. i feel like... the writing on these stories is getting less and less believable and more and more. idk. childish? :/
Dex-chan lover
Dec 1, 2018
This one has to be my favourite. So much potential to unfold in a long story. The only thing I don't like is how ambiguous their relationship is in terms of being related but to be fair (1) they were never actually raised with each other and (2) they're not even human so human common sense imo shouldn't have to apply. But it is a little squick cuz it's so ambiguous. I'll ignore it because this chapter was funny with so many twists and revelations in every page.

Thank you for the chapter!!
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@yoshiii Then I'm confused, predecessor means the previous dragon head, but he called the MC's mom the stepmother. Doesn't that mean that the dragon head is his father, if he can call the mom stepmother? Like predecessor had another wife, they died/separated, then predecessor got with MC's mom, so the ML had MC's mother as a stepmom.

So that would mean MC and ML are related thru blood by the father, no? Is that not incest?

I'm not knocking it, they're not human so our preoccupation with incest prob doesn't matter, but I'm just confused. How else can this be read unless they reveal he was adopted, which they didn't?
Dec 18, 2019
Nonono... Despite everyone disagreeing with me, I think this one is perfect. This is what you imagine when you think villainous, and revenge. I love it. I loved the first volume, didn’t care much for the second, and also loved this volume. The first is the best, but this volume comes in second place, and the second volume comes in last, in my opinion. Give it a try and don’t be put down by the comments. Apparently there’s too much info, but due to my reading of stories in this genre (dragon shifter, not villainess) I didn’t really notice? You imagination should fill in the blanks for this one with ease, and don’t take things too seriously, which people are, which ruins it. It’s a villainous one shot of self fulfillment and I love it. I’d recommend Villainess Reverses the Hourglass for anyone who enjoyed this, because let’s face it, Lilydia, like Aria is a wicked, iconic badass and if you loved that, than this is probably exactly to your taste. This is the story I have been waiting to read since the villainess craze started, and chances are, you might just love it as much as I do.
Active member
Mar 7, 2019
@WhoCares - lmfao I nearly spat out my coffee xD That was a hilarious way of putting it! This does feel juvenile and wish-fulfilling. Not to say all works like this are bad of course, but for a published work, it does feel lacking. I wonder what the artist felt while drawing this? Props to them for making it look pretty at least...which kinda fits the "theme" of this "story" now that I think about it.

It feels more accurate to say these are compilations of tropes rather than a story actually. Oh well. The scanlators still did a great job so if they're reading this, kudos to them too.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

Bro your giving me my immortal flashbacks

Yeah these stories seem like there written by pre teens. Difference between the west and japan is that in Japan they acutally get published and people go *clap* *clap* "what a deep sotry". Cause there Iinner weeb cant help themselves. Where as of it was published in the west itd be ripped apart by the same people
Jun 1, 2019
"my predecessor waited for my stepmother to return".

So, mc decide to elope with her stepbrother?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 30, 2018
I like the concept of this, but it just has too much stuff too quickly, there’s only one chapter, so all this stuff just makes it too childish. I wish they just took the dragon thing and her mother thing and expanded on it
Jan 12, 2020
I for one enjoyed this story. The drawings were beautiful and Lily did come across as a villainess in a way, so it's much more fitting for this anthology than most other stories so far.

Thanks for the update! 😊
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 2, 2018
1,474 they're related? I'm confused. But I guess they're gods, Zeus be like.

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