Threads most likely to come back from a V5 forum update purge.

Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
So most people's complaints aren't specifically with Disqus as a commenting platform, just the fact it has upvote/downvote capabilities?
The thing with Disqus is that it's only Disqus with the updoot system. You sort comments by either newest, oldest, or number of updoots.

I don't think sorting comments will ever be a thing here. If it was, I guess the potential sorting categories would be oldest, newest, number of reactions(?), user profile views(??), etc.

An absence of an updoot system/sorting by popularity incentivizes people to make their own opinions on posts.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
The common consensus, and the root of the SoonTM meme is the fact no one knows when it will occur @mawmaw. Just SoonTM. 😏
Jan 19, 2018
anyway how soon is soon anyway

user profile views(??
highly unlikely the only ones who give a shit about this is us so we can shit on each other during meetings.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
highly unlikely the only ones who give a shit about this is us so we can shit on each other during meetings.
Yeah I was just throwing out possible categories that could be used for sorting comments. They would all obviously be bad additions.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Is Disqus that bad ??

i mean, they are seems pretty ok to me, since i got an update everday with my convo on some fansub platform.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
I just hate that theres and extra loading time to open diqsuk tbh imo ngl fam
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan I still think the upvote system is overhated in this community. At most, it will only cause people to beg for likes which isn't the end of the world, is it? I don't think MD is that large to have YouTube's degree of like-beggers so if I compare MD with the community of Gogoanime, the most upvoted comments will most likely be memes and actually funny posts which isn't toxic at all. And in smaller communities, an upvote system is actually wholesome because there are no trolls and everyone knows each other so upvotes actually mean something. Disqus also tells you who upvoted your comment so there's that. I don't think MD is that small anymore but it's not Twitter-big so trolls are manageable. In addition, the upvote system naturally filters out spoilers to the bottom even without moderation so less spoilers are seen and less spoilers are reported to mods and thus the mods are spoiled less.

Disqus is actually pretty good since it has a recomendation feature which MD doesn't have. I have over 2 years of experience with it and can only say good things (aside from that time they had a password security breach yeah that's a major oof). But yeah I struggle to find a justification against the upvote system, aside from the "stimulate thought" argument which imo doesn't stand to scrutiny as all MD's system is just chronological order from the latest to earliest. MD comments has a lot of thought because on the community rather than the system as other sites with this same system doesn't have the same "stimulate thought"ness. An argument can be made that this community needs this system to preserve its "stimulate thought"ness but I doubt this argument has much weight as the only way to truly know wether it is true or not is to try to switch to an upvote system for a few months. I think this community just circlejerks that upvote systems are bad.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
But the upvote system, and reply to comments feature in some comment and forum sections can make for a nearly unreadable string of random posts, rather then the posts being listed in order. 🤥
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Ivegotnolife I'm assuming you meant the manga comments and not the forum posts cause forum posts are meant to be chronological and my gosh it would be so cancerous to read an upvote-ordered forum thread.

That's the downside of the upvote system that the community will have to take if they want to switch to that system. If everyone here argues that they don't like how everything is a jumbled mess, that's a valid argument - however, I'd argue that the current chronological system is also a jumbled mess as, really, what does chronology even order in the manga comments where everyone just spout their opinions of the chapter rather than conversing with one another? Conversation is also more linked to a reply system rather than an upvote system so I won't argue about that since it's out of topic.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
I remember when Utube's comment section used to allow replying to a users comment, but the replies were hidden till opened intentionally, and the reply post still showed in the chronological time stream of the thread otherwise. But they had to 'fix' it so it's a mess now. 😌
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
@ivegotnolife I’ll copy and paste over your session when it happens and if you ask. Also would be an ideal time to clean up the format on this site

Also nice to see people see my sessions as either something that just exists or a funny shit post
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
pretty sure diqsuk only for chapter/manga sections
I remember where like/dislike ratio on comment actually shown on yt, whats the point having like/dislike if theres only like number shown anyway smh my head
yt might aswell go full twt rn
Double-page supporter
Apr 11, 2020
Wait, stupid question but will disqus be implemented in forums and comment sections or in comment sections alone? I can deal with the latter if they are still arranged in chronological order but not on forums, that would just take the fun out of commenting. Plus it would basically be reddit but with manga(/hwa/hua), webtoons and anime in my mind. And
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Not sure how Disqus snuck so deeply into the conversation, but according to the staff (and @teasday's post on page 1) the actual plan is to use Xenforo. (Yay graphic siggys! 😄)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Alright, so it's clear that we're talking about manga comment sections specifically (which is good, as we both agree that the forums should stay free from updoots).
At most, it will only cause people to beg for likes which isn't the end of the world, is it? I don't think MD is that large to have YouTube's degree of like-beggers so if I compare MD with the community of Gogoanime, the most upvoted comments will most likely be memes and actually funny posts which isn't toxic at all.
Indeed, like-begging isn't the end of the world. Conversations still occur amidst like-begging, after all. But the real issue is the introduction of easily quantifiable reactions to comments. As soon as upvotes are introduced, like-whoring is introduced as well; many users are then more prone to playing it safe with their commenting, bland posts that are mindlessly given '+1's start to pop up, and groupthink is irrevocably magnified.

I do believe that upboat systems have their place though, and that place is in websites with userbases that are large enough that a lack of an upvote system would be pure chaos.

There are better (and more relevant) explanations elsewhere (probably in the Suggestions forum), notably the explanations by actual staff.

While I do slam dunk them memes on updoot systems and updooters, I do recognize that comments are ultimately shaped by the community in question. A chill community will generally have chill comments, and a toxic community will generally have comments about K-pop (just a joke, K-pop fans. I know vocal minorities exist).

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