@RyoSaeba Black hood said Fushi can reproduce, and he copied the body of a pregnant sea turtle, so I'm gonna say yes, they will probably hatch and be little normal turtles (they don't lay eggs if they aren't fertilized).
@Spicykun Lol I bet he gets triggered like all those previous times whenever the reincarnations tried something on him.
What I don't get is why this? Why now? Didn't Fushi already go through his "is this lovE?" Phase? Another thing that picked my interest is how the little sister said If Fushi were to love Pyoran-horse, then he would name it.
Fushi actually named Eko, didn't he? Why didn't he make the connection then?? This manga is so frustrating at times, is2g
Every potential development for Fushi is non existent bc PLOT
Also Mizuha as per usual being manipulative trash