Hope you like melodrama hohohohoho
More seriously: this was the chapter where I started doing redraws - I went back and fixed or added a couple of things in previous chapters, but not all. No guarantees, but most panels from this point which only needed simple redraws should have them.
(Plus I managed to get some more of the background asides by handwriting them into Translate, so apparently my terrible chicken scratches are good enough the app can recognise them, at least. Still can't do kanji, mind.)
I also realised, re-checking this, I forgot to include the character profile pages from #29, partly since I didn't get round to translating them - it would have been quite a bit of work and they don't say anything absolutely essential. Should have at least put them up untranslated, though, so apologies. Anyway, FWIW, I don't think it got mentioned before this point...? So to clarify the T/N on page 1, her name is Hikari Joma - Asuna calls her "Jo", Shinako calls her "Hi-chan". Apologies if that confused anybody.