I'm really, really, really hoping that the writing doesn't take a nosedive in this new arc whenever the raws get translated. With the first one being so emotionally resonant and conclusive on its own I'm gonna be genuinely pissed off if this goes nowhere. The reveal of "every person who's future was changed gets the memories of the other timelines" twist is interesting but it's a concept I'm not exactly thrilled about if it means complicating things for drama.
Also out of Stein's;Gate, ERASED, Re:Zero and this, I actually think the time powers in this so far has been my favourite mechanically speaking. The difference being that the story does less with it than I kind of want it to, especially in comparison to Revival from ERASED (the manga, mostly) which functionally the most similar to this. Like, for example, the fact that his younger self takes over when he's not back in time. So far all it's really done has been to set up the almost-sex scene for an even weirder introduction to a character.