
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
"I guess standards just became low over the years and kids don't even bother looking for older mangas."
Mar 19, 2019
@konzolmester Feel free to give recommendations. I do agree that a lot of less popular older mangas are worth reading and better than the modern stuff. For example Adachi Mitsuru’s older stuffs. Or Yokoyama Mitsureru’s mangas.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2019
All I have to say is the hands down, this is a fucking masterpiece!
May 30, 2018
Cool series but i already see the twist from around chapter 90+
The only twist that escape me is about that additional character and ceritain person fate at the graveyard visit
Also feels bad when MC can keep everything he holds dear but the others cant do the same

100/10 Will reccomend
Sep 16, 2019
wait were half the fuking chapters always missing? I swear they were there before. Why did they get taken down?
Jan 18, 2018
sometimes i think about how weird it is for middle/high schoolers to talk about "running tokyo" lol like what is this? i enjoy it though like crows/worst
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Oh this cliffhanger is the absolute worst, why are you doing this to us.
Double-page supporter
Feb 27, 2018
Interesting premise at first, but the main character acts and thinks nothing like a 26-year old. The Valhalla arc (BIG SPOILER WARNING)
fucking blows and almost made me drop it, first it introduces a bunch of characters and gets rid of them in just a few chapters and expect us to care, to say nothing about the stupidity of having Kazutora kill Mikey's big brother, decide to kill Mikey in some mentally ill attempt to shift the blame, then murder Baji, then Baji fucking kills himself before he dies from his wounds like that's gonna make Kazu less guilty, and then Kazu decides to repent on the spot AND THE GUY WHOSE BEST FRIEND AND BROTHER HE KILLED DECIDES TO FORGIVE HIM. And then afterwards, Toman "absorbs" a much larger gang whose defining characteristic is that they fucking hate Toman and Mikey, including Hanma, on whose orders Draken was stabbed and on the verge of death in an assassination attempt not long before that. That arc is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. Further, the Black Dragon siblings arc has Kisaki acting like a complete idiot for no other reason than "It's fun," ending in him being kicked out, and this is the guy who's supposedly a criminal mastermind who in some futures becomes the untouchable kingpin of a metropolis before he's 30? This manga is all over the place. The main character claims to be serious but he never trains, never thinks, he wants to be leader but never has any duties after becoming First Squad Captain. And through it all, Naoto remains the only living cop in Japan.
Jun 5, 2019
Devil works hard but the french work hardrr, look at them chucking out the next chapter already while we americans gotta wait for ours. *haix* still thankful for the new chapter. I am.
May 6, 2018
Most of the people who complain about the manga are people who are expecting Takemichi becoming the standard shonen super strong hero
Those remind me of those who expect Usopp in One Piece becoming brave
Takemishi is weak and he will always be ! If you expect a manga where the weak hero becomes the strongest then this is not for you and you should not waste your time.
If on the countrary you want to read a shonen where the main character grows thanks to his charisma and unbreakable will and don't mind the shonen tropes then you will have a very good time like me


Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2019
A nice and slow chapter from time to time it's also good~ keep up the good work translation team!

Just read what @boldmonkey said and I just feel like we are reading different mangas.
First they are 12 years old, like bro, some of were eating fucking Legos at that age, some still do it. Second hanma didn't order it as far as I remember, it was part of kisaki's plan but they didn't order anything, just made sure to prepare things to turn out that way. And about the characters, they aren't getting rid of them, best example the hatani brother's, and just like them the other 5 dudes that got beaten up that were the leaders of the greatest Tokyo gangs, all characters that we have already seen in the past. I'm not saying this manga is perfect, I'm just saying that if u don't want to read it, its fine, but don't start searching for inexistant errors, critique the errors if u feel like they actually make the experience worst, but don't go out of your way to make the experience worst for yourself.

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