
Mar 7, 2019
To criticize Japan for using the manji, a symbol they use for Buddhism, is to ignore all of its cultural history in Japan and to project your own self-centered view onto them. Like @sedition said, take it to Twitter, or your private diary. If you've got more shit to say, flush it down the toilet.
Double-page supporter
Jul 17, 2018
@ShdoopDoop hitler is dead, and the holocaust is over, stop being scared of a symbol that has nothing to do with him anymore
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
8man, I don't think anyone doesn't get that in some other cultures the swastika is a symbol of peace and whatever, but here's a cultural newsflash: You aren't talking to anyone that's a part of that culture. You're talking to a bunch of people who know it for one thing, and one thing only, and it's the fucking Nazis. Saying, "Oh, but in China it's a symbol of peace" is probably the weakest justification you could possibly try for. We aren't in China. I'm not one for people crying "cultural appropriation" over banal shit like hairstyles or clothes, but Hitler absolutely culturally appropriated the shit out of the Swastika, and it has stood for genocide and hate for decades longer than you've been alive. Stop defending it.

You're reading a Japanese comic made by the Japanese for the Japanese, and set in Japan. That it's been translated by fans for our convenience doesn't change that fact. That "the Swastika is a symbol of peace in Japan" is absolutely relevant. This is called: "context". Look it up in a dictionary some time. Attacking the symbol in this context is just plain ignorant and shows a profound lack of culture, as is mistaking "Japan" for "China". It would be quite a different story if this were a comic marketed towards the Western market, but it's not. This one is. Buy it, read it, and get off your high horse.

When you're reading Asian comics, saying: "Oh, but in the West it's a symbol of the Nazi" is actually the weakest justification for your ignorance.
Do you really expect the Japanese to stop using a symbol they've been using for millennia, just because a single madman abused it?
Would the West stop using the crucifix if another madman abused it? They wouldn't. In fact, they're using it precisely because it symbolizes one of the most cruel killing methods known to man during Antiquity. How droll...

You're free to act on the principle that racism must be fought, but no matter how righteous it may be, it's never an excuse for turning off your brains.
Mar 15, 2019
cmon man............... this manga is soooo good but they gotta make a fucking 80 chapter gap... fml
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Saw this in my follows, but then the chapter number... bruh
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2018
This has more twists than a Mexican soap opera. Yet it never gets old. 11/10 Manga, pure gold
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@NovaXII If you think modern-day Nazis who use the swastika aren't a thing you're hilariously out of touch.

Anyways, I came here to see whether anybody would be misinterpreting the left facing (i.e. distinctly not Nazism) swastika, but instead all I found is a bunch of people crying about hypothetical people that might be actually misinterpreting it. Seriously pathetic. Don't bother clicking a comment section if you're going to be outraged regardless of what's there.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 6, 2019
@Zidane You are being disrespectful, you can't ask to people just delete a millennia symbols from the existence that is related to a lot of cultures just because of Nazism and because people don't understand that symbol at all


Active member
Dec 26, 2019
Great manga hope the people at Twisted hel scans are doing there best to bring is another chapter. And to those of you who are attacking the use of the "swastika" in this instance of it representing another culture: go to Twitter and leave this place alone
Jan 6, 2019
i love all the comments about a specific symbol, considering it is not what most people think it is :D
go google it if u want

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