@kmlshblr She said(or thought, rather) that he's hot. That's all it needs to be a crush. She's not in love with him, just very attracted to him. Crushes are usually superficially motivated...
@vodkavodka She isn't just a normal highschool girl. She's a yankee. Yankee's have a reputation of being troublemakers and delinquents. Gangsters, even. Kinda the same with Gyaru, though, they're not as bad...they're just seen as overly forward(and more concerned with fashion trends, of course). For all the MC knows...this girl is likely to take out a switchblade and shank his ass for looking at her wrong.
Cute yankee pouting, sensei already building the ship and an MC that everyone will soon start calling a beta cuck, but who immediately resolved to prolong the contact.
Insta follow.