I don't like nitpicking but the quality of the translation here is shoddy at best and awful at worst. Comparing Mylene scans' ch23 to Cyanlations feels like a night and day difference; though the other group has worse typesetting, it has a significantly better translation and has much better flow/readability.
I can only comment on CH25, as I only have CH25 raws on hand (from official raws link; older chs are discontinued.) To give a few examples of what I dislike:
Eguchi mentions that she's not wearing panties in the raws, and yet mylene changed this to "not wearing anything at all."... So did the bra just go to Narnia, or...? You would be wearing a bra under a suit like that, and she'd have no reason to take it off as it wasn't wet after the ch23 incident. Yes, it still kinda conveys the same thing whether she's not wearing underwear at all or still has her bra, but it's shoddy translation practice to take this much liberty with tl-ing something, especially when it doesn't make much sense if you think about it.
On the last page, the last two text bubbles somehow translate パンツ (panties) as pants and 仕掛け (trick, i.e. scare set up by the ones running the haunted house) as method of cheatin , implying the protagonists were cheating with pants, somehow. Are Mylene using machine translation? Because this isn't something that a human translator with at least half a brain fucks up. I don't see anything in the credits page about MTL, and I want to believe that people are kind and fair and wouldn't push for patreon donations on a chapter that is (undisclosed) MTL. So they're not using one... right?
There are some other more minor examples here and there. Will also say that, overall, the characters' speech feels way too vulgar, even for teenagers, even for teenagers in a horny manga.
I sincerely hope that Mylene ups their TL quality, as it is far subpar right now. Their typesetting quality and release speed is admittedly very good. I also sincerely hope that Cyanlations continues working on this, and isn't discouraged by everyone calling them slow; I'd much rather have slow releases with good readability and transitions than a rushed scanlation where as much as half of the context gets lost in the process. And their typesetting is worse, sure, but I'd rather have mediocre typesetting with great translation than mediocre translation with great typesetting.
I've felt that Mylene had translation/writing issues on MobuSeka (and I dropped that manga pretty far into it due to how bad it got), but this manga here honestly deserves better than generic otome isekai #10000. (No offense meant; I was enjoying MobuSeka too, after all.)