I wanna see it now, but idk what to search upDidnt know mangaka has youtube channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZa__0gJGEuk4wH9wiUgowI wanna see it now, but idk what to search up
Absolute chad
When would Nasa go to a therapist, though? If he needed physiotherapy, he would absolutely try to do it 100% as intended. I can't see him going to any other kind of therapy, unless it was a gift card he can't give to anyone else and wouldn't want to waste the money, or if it's something he can do together with Tsukasa, believing she would enjoy it.Nasa is the type of people pleaser who instead of talking about his problems with his therapist, would try to get them to enjoy their time together and see it as a reprieve from their other clients and be able to kick back and relax lol
Yeah, there was a gap of 9 years and 17 days between season 1 and 2. The same season (Summer 22) also had Classroom of the Elite return after 5 years.The talk about gap between season reminds me with Hataraku Maou sama. I think it has ten years gap lol.