Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - Whatever parents experience, kids don’t know. More like, they don’t want to know.

Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

It takes a weird person to find cowardly, self-cockblocking MCs to be comedic.

If you want to see that kind of comedy done the right way, look at 40-year-old Virgin.
Jan 26, 2018
This isn't a World's End Harem kind of super-ecchi shounen title. Tonikaku Cawaii is a family-friendly shounen title and has more vanilla romance stuff than any other shounen title I've ever seen. So yeah, you aren't going to see Nasa and Tsukasa boinking. At best, it will be implied.
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2018
I have no idea what it is about this manga, but it's amazing. It's just so simple and sweet, like a pound cake: no fancy frills or anything, but it's wholesome and lovely.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@LysandersTreason mate if you want the characters to start immediately fucking after meeting each other then let me tell you that you're better off reading doujins
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

I can't stand doujins. Hate them with a passion. I only want legit, canon sex, not fanboy or fangirl imaginations.

Also, they're MARRIED. Not having sex in your wedding night? Not having sex with your wife or husband? Jesus Christ that's pathetic. They don't have to show it, I don't need a hentai, but it needs to be done or he's not a real man.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

Not necessarily. I mean, the author could have created them to just be friends. In most other aspects, the MC is quite likable, and I wouldn't have any complaints, and he could keep his "real man" status. Or, he could have been impotent and unable to have sex at all. Then, being married and not having sex wouldn't lower his manliness status.

But he is a married, adult man living independently with his wife, with whom there is mutual love and attraction. Why are they not having sex? That is part of marriage.

The reason they're not having sex is because he's nervous -- scared, if you will. Being scared of having sex with your wife is not a manly reaction. There's no other way to spin it. Not to mention, sex is a crucial part of keeping a marriage healthy and intact -- at least, in the real world.
Jan 29, 2018

idk man, i mean he really barely knows her remember? they met once ages ago and now they met again just recently, give it a little time lol, also things like the right mood are important, he cant just be like "STRIP BITCH!" and also ya, its his first time, hes gonna be nervous theres nothing wrong with that, thats just part of life.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

I'm going to go waaay out on an unusually sturdy limb and guess that you're a virgin. And I don't mean that in an insulting way, but more like a limited life experience way, because in my mind, only a virgin could possibly come up with the idea that it's appropriate for a newly married couple to not have sex.

People literally have sex with other people after having known them for hours, and you're saying that a married couple, living together, who are in mutual love and have been married for - what is it, at least several weeks at this point, don't know each other well enough? The idea is farcical, amigo.
Mar 11, 2018
I can understand if they want to keep the romance platonic if they just have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but this is husband and wife ffs.
Jan 26, 2018
Are you folks trying to honestly say that you think that Weekly Shounen Sunday is going to allow actual sex in their manga magazine? For crying out loud, the romance level in this shounen manga is off the scale for this magazine. Granted, I've not read all titles published in this magazine, but the ones I have read over the years do have a romance element, but it is kept to an element where little progress is ever made. So it is astonishing that we have a shounen manga about a young married couple.

Look, I get that at 18, if I'm married to Tsukasa, I'm going to want to bang her a minimum of 10 times a day. But Tonikaku Cawaii isn't reality. Its a bloody fantasy where Tsukasa may in fact turn out to be the mythical Kaguya-hime (or someone very similar). Hata-sensei is keeping things as a clean, wholesome romance with a comedic wink at those audience members who are older. So when it comes to sex, the best folks are going to get out of this manga series is a "you decide whether they had sex or not" moment.

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