Torako! Don't Break Everything! - Vol. 2 Ch. 19 - A Place To Belong

Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
She hasn't always been shown to be this strong? Really? Because I remember her crushing a building bare handed two chapters ago (unscathed). As I said, she has been shown to bend physics laws, there's no reason to believe she won't do so again - and sure enough she does it. There's no feeling of tension when your MC is a gag manga character that can bend laws at will. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
People are bleeding out? Do you seriously believe that anything serious will happen to them? I'll tell you what, this thing is in there for cheap artificial drama and is in there to pass for tension for anyone gullible enough.
The magazine was cancelled and the author decided to end it in the most anti-climatic and non-genuine way possible. Should have stuck to comedy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
@criver Anti climatic is a bit of a strech. I don't think a train wreck in a tunnel with injured people and even one of the MC group on the verge of death is anti-climatic.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Considering the rest of the chapters? It is. It's not what the manga builds up to, it's just some random artificial drama plugged in. Too bad writing is not lego and you can't just attach random blocks wherever you want.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
@criver I mean the author have decided to cut short because of the reasons you know so (s)he maybe put up that ending without really other considerations than put a ending where Torako had to do some heroic sh*t to earn the respect other girls. I don't say it was a good idea and it's a pretty radical turn but it's better than bullsh*t power of friendship, well technicaly it is but not quite normal.
Jan 20, 2018
This manga unfortunately died when the magazine it was published in (young animal arashi) went under yet I should remind you that that stupid isekai behemoth cat & giant elf tits manga survived the move to the similar young animal...
If you've been enjoying Torako it's always worth supporting the mangaka by buying the raw volumes directly. Hopefully they'll have the motive to produce another great series.
If you don't support artists and series you like they tend to wither.
Artist's twitter.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@criver of course nothing gonna happen to them, but Torako is scared of it, and this is scaring the hell out of her. She is bleeding from everywhere, despite looking invincible before, and destroying a broken down building is nothing compared to pulling an entire train while pieces of debris are stuck everywhere inside you. Even her nails came off, and again, the main point isn't whether Torako can save everyone, it's to show her mentality as living in a world way weaker than her, and her being scared of hurting everyone, of getting rejected. Her running away after saving everyone because she feels like a monster, it's a two way story, as Takano develops along side Torako, her self proclaimed rival to her closest friend, she grew from hating her to bowing down to her senior to help Torako get a job, and now was the first one to even think of her, was willing to go out in the tunnel to look for her despite it being dangerous as hell, and while everyone else called her a monster, she only saw that Torako was bleeding heavily.

These two chapters are very very good, and for having forced to end suddenly, the author managed to give it a satisfying conclusion, at least till we see the final chapter and omake. If these two chapter hadn't come out, the series would've just been yet another ecchi comedy. But the page of Torako stressing herself out completely while bleeding in order to pull a train is something I won't forget.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@Darklight99 Summarising the plot does not constitute a point. Saying "these two chapters are very very good" is also a postulate and addresses none of the points I made.
Also pulling a train is harder than destroying an apartment complex? Where did you pull that out from? As I already said the author can bend physics laws at will for her, and the only reason she's portrayed as struggling is to get in an attempt at cheap drama. It's just bad and inconsistent writing, see my discussion with Lilliwyt for more details.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@criver All you're saying are buzzwords, buildings get broken down all the time, especially old broken down ones, pulling a bullet train filled with people? Not so much. Especially when injured. Your points aren't good in the first place, the chapters are about Torako's mentality and her fear of destroying everything she likes, her being forced to essentially turn into a super hero and bring called a monster by strangers yet still her friends still liking her is the perfect ending it could get.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@Darklight99 So what would be those "buzzwords"? Buildings get broken all the time? Sure. Not with punches though but with machines that can generate a force many times greater than what a human can achieve. It's an undeniable fact that the MC can bend the laws of physics to suit her needs. And there's nothing wrong with that as long as it stays in comedy manga territory. The issue is the author is trying to pull off cheap drama chapters when they're not consistent with the previous ones and the premise. It's being pretentious honestly, and feels like an insult to my intelligence. He may as well have added sad violins at this part if this was an anime, wouldn't have made it any less nonsensical and anti-climatic.
"Your points aren't good enough" doesn't really explain why. You're not substantiating your statements while I am. This seems to be commonplace for you judging by your previous comments unfortunately.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@criver ok, I. Gonna say this in a simple manner, Torako's power constantly causes her grief, causing everyone to go away from her, this time it helped her save everyone, but in doing so, she thought turned into a monster, yet her friends don't see her that way even at her worst. It's nothing spectacular, yet it gets the job done. Not to mention the art was great, the pages of Torako desperately struggling to save everyone while not giving a care about herself while very well done.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Summarising the plot does not constitute a point.
I don't get why you keep pinging me just to summarize the plot without addressing any of my points. This is going nowhere.
Also, I never even mentioned anything about the art. I said that the writing was simply bad these 2 chapters, and I provided objective reasons why this is so. But if you want to open that can of worms: I wouldn't call the art great, it's average manga art. Great manga art would be houtengeki's, Oh great's, or Sakamoto Shinichi's, where you can see that they actually have some idea about perspective and proportions. The majority of manga art is not great but rather mediocre compared to actual art.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@criver The plot is the point. These two chapters close the door on the manga's entire plot, Torako making friend, while addressing her fear of breaking stuff. And the art is very good, it's not perfect but it does the job very well. The serious tone was used well to show that for Torako, her excessive strength was genuinely a huge problem, instead of just passing it off as a joke.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
I give up, it's as if I am talking to a wall. You keep not addressing any of my points and trying to summarize the plot. Why even ping me if you don't plan to address anything?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@criver You keep saying "fake tension" as if that's a legit complaint, of course no one is gonna die, I'm not worried when Goku fights Freeza because I know he's going to win, what matters is that it's entertaining, Torako pulling an entire train while heavily injured is entertaining. And the point the story is making needed a serious couple of chapters, so the author did it.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
Since the series is ending, I guess the author decided to do something different and change the tone and go out with a bang, which is something that happens all the time near a season finale or series end. With a series end (as opposed to a season finale before the next season starts) I guess there's more of a chance of permanent change happening. I'm guessing everyone'll be friends for real by the end of this manga.

It's a pity it is ending though, it was actually pretty entertaining, and just different enough to want more.

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