Pretty good read, I dropped it when I was in high school but now having the chance to finish this, I'm satisfied. Start off with the good news first....yes, I will drop it...Toriko is the best cooking/eating manga ever. Imagine having to draw foods that no one else related with, and just to express it through art... and be able to make readers like me be like:'Damn, these look hella good.' Besides that, this manga has incredibly incredibly incredibly detailed and knowledgeable background stories. But let face it, Toriko has a lot of bad plots and loopholes, I'm a fast reader myself and sometimes skip the wordy texts but there are some major plots that are just stupid. Still, my young high school self and my current self both have that same experience when reading through this manga, which is the excitement and thrill to see those alien foods get eaten and the awesome fighting scenes. 8/10 and has the title' best cooking manga', for me at least.
p/s: And for the child prostitution stuff, I don't want to get to these sensitive topics and decide who is right who is wrong, but the author wrote Toriko after he got released from prison. Let me ask you, for any moments in life, have you ever feel sad, depressed, wanting to kys, desperate, after you fail at something or done something wrong? This man did wrong things, got punished for it and he still came back doing what he usually does, following his passion and career. There is one thing that I'd like to send to those who is hesitating to read because of the author's past...and that is: people make mistakes, no one is perfect, the factor to decide if one is good or not is how he/she come back after the mistakes they have done.