Hey Magallan is super good. I wanted her mostly because of her voice and design but I surprised myself with how often I actually used her while clearing chapter 5 and 6.
Her S3 is badass. It's like having multiple Meteorite you can redeploy every 40 seconds to adapt to the battlefield.
(Also I got Nian. But I whaled some so it doesn't count)
Forgive this uncultured one, the guy was singing “Baka Mitai” right? 😆
Also calling it now, the person who asked Madeleine to set up the marriage interview is like a big brother, big sister, parent, or someone who raised her.
Well I guess MC will meet the masterminds soon- the parents.
Also nice lose for Tony Stark.
29 years old female knight- remember. At least it isn't reverse situation as then it would be totally off limits and half comments would just be rage about it :S ...
> MC is completely straight forward with his feelings.
> Never acted in a way to even imply that he wasn't 100% committed to her.
> Goes further with helping her than many actual husbands would for their wife, without being asked.
"If YoU kEeP dAwDlInG aRoUnD lIkE tHiS sHe MiGhT rEaLlY bE tAkEn By SoMeOnE eLsE."
Out of all the mangas that misuse the "you need to be serious about her" trope this might be the most extreme. Pretty much the only way to "dawdle around" less would be entering straight up harassment/rapist territory.
So, wouldn’t the person who asked madelaine to set up a marriage interview for karen be her father or mother? I suppose it could be someone else but that seems like the most realistic scenario
If Karen wants someone who accepts her as she is, she needs to look no further than Haru. I wonder if her background is such that Haru would have poor chances politically, though. However, the older Karen is, the less her parents should care about it. She's getting a bit old for really profitable political marriages.