Totem's Realm

Oct 15, 2020
OMG THIS LOOKS SO GOOD! I love the art style and it's always refreshing to see darker skin tones in manga/manhwa etc.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
why does the description and thumbnail give me the same vibes as a specific QT Cannon Fodder arc?
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2020
hey this is uhhhh racist and plays into the “savage” native/indigenous trope. like literally says “primitive tribe” and. that he’s a beast. (and also more picky stuff like they have no consideration abt tribal tattoos wtf are those but mostly it feeds into a very specific anti-indigenous caricature)

feel free to keep reading (personally it makes me wanna throw up but yk) but please use critical thinking if you do. pretty much native representation in manhwa/manhua/manga is limited to fetishy shit like this and horror shit like ingoshima and it’s been really normalized. like even the fact that people arent posting abt this in the comments shows how normalized it’s been

source: im native

edit: if you plan to read this, please take a second and ask yourself how you view native peoples and then how we are portrayed in media, and how this contributes to it. and maybe consider reading a series to ‘balance it’ that has us as normal people instead of “primitive” “beasts” thanks ;-;;
Feb 18, 2018
@calvitre Its a shame you cant enjoy the this, it should be easy to enjoy things. But rather than make everyone else critically think about with the only stated outcome if they agree with you "makes me want to throw up", why dont you first engage in some critical thinking about what's bothering you., should it really stop you from enjoying smut?
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2020
@laudy yes, it is easy to enjoy things. but in this case, seeing my people being represented as literal savages/primitive/as something to be “tamed” by the lighter-skinned character… doesn’t turn me on, somehow?????

it’s not the smut that bothers me. i read a fair amount myself, and i don’t judge that at all. it’s that, there’s so little native representation as it is, to the point where i can think of four series that i remember having us—one piece, this and ingoshima… and another series where the whole thing was, again, horror/savages with ~strange rituals~ and cannibalism—and these stereotypes DO HAVE AN EFFECT.

korea/japan/china have a problem with anti-blackness, and their representation of indigenous people as well. it’s less blatant usually because indigenous people are barely represented in the first place, but it does contribute to the anti-brown sentiment there.

i noted that it made me want to throw up because it was that uncomfortable to me. people can read this and still be fine, but i wanted to emphasize the effect that it has on us native people when seeing this sort of thing. and that by defending it/not acknowledging the problem it may hurt your native friends/community. there is a difference though, between defending it and reading it.

people can still read it and enjoy the art or even the storyline, while not defending its racist concept. and they’re valid. i don’t have the luxury personally of separating the racist aspect, because it’s so personal to me, but even other indigenous people may be able to put that aside, and i congratulate them for that.

one piece is one of my favorite series, and i can enjoy it while acknowledging the racism, sexism, and occasional transphobia in it. i can appreciate the native-based arc of skypiea while also noting that the “meaner” native people all had darker skin, while the “good/peaceful” native people had lighter skin. reading that doesn’t make me a bad person, but my ability to critically engage with it IS IMPORTANT. in the same way, other people can enjoy this series while acknowledging its faults, and that doesn’t make them bad people either.

again, i’m not judging people for reading it, but i want to spread awareness cause based on the comments, people weren’t thinking about that aspect. if they can go into it informed, and still enjoy it, all the better.

you may want to think on why your first response to my raising awareness of the problem is not to be mad at the racism itself, but at me for pointing it out.
May 22, 2019
@calvitre you have a really good point about natives in media esp in manga/manhwa. it's kinda like a breath of fresh air reading an analysis like yours on this website lol.
Oct 15, 2020
I'm super excited for this! I didn't think it was racist. Isn't it some small island, fictional, where this is an isolated tribe? It's not saying tribal people are savages, just that this isolated group of people practice xyz despite this modern era where most cultures, of all different colors, don't practice things like this.
Apr 21, 2020
Wow guys, chill tf out.

This is fiction. So what if the character is colored brown, black, red or blue? This is the authors work.

This doesn't please you? Then go elsewhere.

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