Totem's Realm

Jan 20, 2020
If someone's calling the story out for being offensive/harmful to them then you cant just tell them that they're wrong and bad for looking down on ppl (which they weren't doing). Their reasons for finding this racist is valid and they bring up a good point up Indigenous representation in media so maybe don't get mad at them for being disappointed in this??
Mar 28, 2020
Is this even racist?(couldn't read it)
Racism is the act of hating another race, right?
Also, a manga is not racist for having the concept in it, depends on how they use it, I guess.
Feb 18, 2018
@nananoka You're either being dishonest using the claim racism when an insult to intelligence is being discussed or you should just reread the tl;dr. Here I'll repeat it for you, treating others as inferior to yourself in order to forward anti-racism misses the point of it all, treating other people well. I'd like to point out that you are telling me to take someone else's race into consideration of their behavior, on top of telling me my feelings are despicable( by portraying them as being about a comic, when they are about the insult), you're doing poorly on both counts or the tl;dr.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Have some of these and enjoy the show in the comment section, folks!


Jul 22, 2019
Hahaha does everything released have to be subjected to cultural appropriation? Like... brrrr anything can be what the author makes it to be, who are we to direct how they write XD cultural appropriation should be subjected to works representing actual historical events, and just let fantasy stay as it is
Oct 12, 2020
Right now I don't see anything particularly racist in the prologue and chapter 1, but I have to cringe a bit at reading one of the comments.

Are you going to pretend this particular tribe in the story is somehow representative of your 'native' people? These native tribal people in the story seems to be able to speak Korean in the later chapters. 🙄

This story could be timeslip or even parallel world for all we know and it's like thousands of years back. Heck, it could be crazy cultists living in the deserted islands to do weird shit. And in the event that the plot is something else, did you know there's at least one primitive tribe in the real world that are hostile to outsiders?
Apr 1, 2019
@laudy i’ve read and re-read both of your responses multiple times. just because you feel as though someone is looking down on your morals (when they are not) doesn’t mean that’s what they are doing. they are not looking down on you in anyway. when you feel as though you have been attacked by someone else’s words, it’s most likely because you fit somewhere in those words. remember only a hit dog hollers. the reality of this person’s words does not fit into the narrative you have in your head about what they said. this is a prime example of your feelings clouding your judgement and therefore, you are unable to see what they actually said since you feel that they came for your character. you thinking that they were on some ego trip to feel better about themselves is your reality, but it is not the reality.

edit: i didn’t call your feelings despicable at all. i just said THINK about why you are mad that this person was just analyzing the racism in manga/comic/etc. instead of the actual racism itself. that’s really all i said. also with me mentioning that the person was indigenous/native was to point out that they most likely know what racist stereotypes that are present in fiction (specifically ones against their people and them).

tl;dr: the insult was non-existent and you just felt like it was an attack on your morals/character/intelligence/whatever. it was just in your head. i’ve read both responses multiple times. i didn’t call your feelings despicable. only a hit dog hollers. good night.
Jun 15, 2020
@tn1aderp you put it better than I could.
But also this entire story is just
Someones fetish over having wild sex with a big buff jungle man ala Tarzan
Its fiction, the "tribe" doesn't exsist, none of it does. It could be a fantasy epic with the same set up and no one would bat an eye.

*cough*could someone make some smut with Dark elf men, for personal reasons...
Feb 18, 2018
@nananoka Doubling down and saying that every thought that I have is unreality and that I'm racist proves my first response to you correct. You are even using hit dog hollers now? This is getting sad, I had hoped you weren't disingenuous just wrong. Let me walk you through events for you since rereading isn't helping. The first person wrote their post. I responded kindly, sympathetically, and suggested a new view on nice things like "ease of enjoyment" in a similar way that they asked people to "critically think". Then they targeted me specifically in their response, insulting me, personally. I hit back. This is where "I'm upset", you can lie all day that it was earlier, that the original post offended me so deeply. Nothing will change the fact that they attempted to leverage the weight of the first post against me in the second. My response was completely in proportion to the second post. Maybe you are really really off base here and not disingenuous -but instead you're isolating the first post from the second. But its becoming a slimmer and slimmer possibility, and anyways your behavior matters a lot more here. While you may or may not be dissapointed that I'm not a -pff- excuse me I can't believe you actually quoted "hit dog holler" as an authority claim, its cute. But you're demeaning yourself when you attempt to label people who aren't as such ,maliciously or not, because at the end of the day, either you don't want to get anti-racism right -you just want to feel right -and you'll screw other people to do it; or you can't get anti-racism right -and you want to get anti-racism right- and you'll screw other people to do it. either way I'll refer back to the tl;dr for you: if you wan't to treat others as inferior to be anti-racist, then you missed the point. (i'll expand here for you) Treat others by the golden rule, and take their race out of consideration. I hope you sleep well.
Jun 10, 2019
imagine starting stupid race drama on mangadex its smut i dont care I just want the tribal man to fuck the pretty lady is that too much to ask
Group Leader
Dec 1, 2019
Can someone tell me if any of the lines in this manhwa are racist or unethical??

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