STOP FUCKing up this great series if u want to do such shit translations that nobody can understand a shit go create ur blog or sth and translate there dont fuck with mangadex, Yong Heng is already translated far more ahead with such shit translasions on some blogs go read there stop adding this shit here.
Any other projects?
OH I actually agree with Kiliut.
There is actually this blog called the youbamangablog
that already has 102 I think of Yong Heng Zhi Zun so
I suggest you to choose other projects.
please dont make same mistake as trash. frequent release on few project is much important than pick too much project with snail updates. thanks for your hardwork
Cool that you upload nice manga and all. you got good quality and you do a good job. BUT your website is a fishing net for virus lol, needed to cancel my popup blocker if i wanted to read, tried it with high protection on and i got literaly DOZEN of virus or spyware page that tried to pop lol.
Seriously, the site is full of trashy virus/popup/phishing ads and you guys are pestering us to disable our adblocks to access the site?
Now I feel plain filthy... need to run some antivirus scans to cleanse myself.
Some things I would recommend for hosting:[ul][li]Compress & Optimize your static images.[/li][li]Use modern formats on your images where available.[/li][/ul]
As an example, Meng Shi Zai Shang chapter 21 is ~7.3 MB (7,350,404 bytes).[ul][li]Using cwebp with lossless compression level 9, this drops to around 4 MB (3,991,032 bytes); so ~44% decrease in size. On my (budget 2017 AU$450) laptop, this took under 30 seconds.
, I was able to reduce the original to ~6 MB (6,095,807 bytes) with zero compatibility changes. Once again, this took under 30 seconds. This alone decreased the size by 17%.
… it's zopfli, it takes fucking FOREVER. It's not done and it's been half an hour now. It's slow (like, suuuuper slow) but is worth it eventually.
After leaving the zopfli compressor for ~3 hours, it reduced to ~5.7 MB (5,721,384 bytes). This is a reduction of the original by 22%, and a further reduction of the second item by 6%.
will allow you to support both with native acceleration without any notable changes to the site other than that of not wasting megabytes of data where it's unnecessary.