Tsurezure Children

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Kraeth: I hope you're right, and I agree that Takano and Sugawara are the best couple, but... Chii-chan crying and running away from Suga-yan after he confessed (for the 4th time at least) is a ship setting sail? Seems more like a ship that's just been torpedoed and is about reading to sink to the deepest depths of the ocean beyond any hopes of salvaging.
Jan 19, 2018
good lord the ship fucking exploded, good job takano you ruined everything
Feb 8, 2018
Agreed, this is progress! Nothing to panic about! She's not rejecting him, she's just overwhelmed. Her whole 'thing' has been denying or suppressing that she's into Sugawara. The first time he confessed on the Bus, she was too dense to even know it was a confession. The second time, at the beach, she "didn't hear it". She sort of revealed that she knew what he said the very next chapter, but convinced herself she was wrong I guess. Ever since, she's been trying to convince herself that she doesn't like him as much as he likes her (even though she totally does) and also that Sugawara isn't really into her and that he's just a "nice guy". This third time he's confessed though, it was very explicit and she can't deny it. Thus, the whole crying and running away thing. She'll confront it, and Sugawara will FINALLY get an answer.

Poor guy's only had to gather his courage up three times to get it...
Jan 24, 2018
Don't really get what Takano is upset about, but drama, I guess. If this is truly ending in less than 20 chapters, then I guess there's just enough time to fix most of the couples. I expect resolution for Takano-Suna, Kanda-Takase, Shibasaki-Ubukata, Saejima-Souma and Nashimoto-Sonobe. Prooobably some kind of maybe ever after for Chiba-Teacher and Alice-Noro. Onizuka, Nanase and Motoyama will possibly get the short end of the stick. And then there's Love Master, who trascends this manga and will live on in our hearts.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
If there is going to be a 2nd season of the anime version, I'm pretty sure that a large segment of the audience would be royally pissed if Chii-chan and Suga-yan don't end up as a couple, particularly considering how well-suited they are for each other (and how much screen time they were given in the 1st season). But I'm not gonna hold my breath...

@JBrightstar: considering how long it's been since Chii-chan did basically the same thing on the beach (a hundred chapters ago), it seems unlikely that 20 chapters are enough, especially with all the other loose ends that need tying up, for Chii-chan to come to her senses and finally accept (or even reject) Suga-yan's confession. But I hope I'm wrong... The poor kid needs closure (oh how I hate that word) so he can move on with his life instead of being stuck in the rut of "does she, or doesn't she." Ah, and I'm pretty sure that Suga-yan thinks he's confessed to Chii-chan, in one way or another, more than 3 times. Don't forget "Cleaning Duty" and "Coward."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I need my ubukataXshibasaki (best couple imo) resolution rn because takano is just....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I need my ubukataXshibasaki (best couple imo) resolution rn because takano is just....
Jan 23, 2018
Lol you guys really think the Takano/Sugawara ship is down? This kind of situation can be resolved in a couple of chapters, no problem. Takase/Kanda are just being stupid and can be dealt with just as fast.

I'm more disappointed Love Master ain't gonna get the development he deserves.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
Really feel for Suguwara, a life with Takano is going to be a life filled with stupid misunderstandings, one after another.

And now we have to wait for the one who has even less courage and initiative than him to resolve the mess she made. :(
Jan 24, 2018
welp the author is really trying to end this manga by sinking every unsailed ships. a really unbefitting ending for brotoyama and ubukata
Jan 23, 2018
You're confusing me with another person. Still, didn't expect that kinda twist so near the end.

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