How in gods name was the story ever grounded? Who do you know in real life constantly has thugs attacking them at a 7-Eleven? Who do you know punches so hard they crack ROCKS? Who do you know gets super powers from doing light Tai chi with the elderly? All of which btw came at the very start of the series.
do you know what grounded means?
I didn't even say it was REALISTIC, as if is it realistically achievable
I just said it was MORE GROUNDED, which means that it was MORE SENSICAL or BELIEVABLE, that it still within the realm of Suspension of disbelief
specifically, MY realm of suspension of disbelief
here, let me ask you this
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or One punch man? obviously tsuyoshi is MORE grounded
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Strike it rich? I'd say tsuyoshi is MORE grounded
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Baki? tsuyoshi is MORE grounded from the looks alone
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Chinmi? chinmi is way MORE grounded
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Kenji? Kenji is way MORE grounded
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Tsumanuda Fight Town? Tsumanuda is way MORE grounded
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Hagure idol? hagure idol is MORE grounded, the fights that is. it is the tamer version of [strike it rich]. just forget about the robot
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or Kenichi? about the same, more grounded fights in the early arcs, more and more mystical towards the end
which one is more grounded, Tsuyoshi or New wave? also about the same
I could go on and on and on
are any of them truly realistic? fuck NO
all of them are fictions, but some are MORE GROUNDED than others
Tsumanuda is the most realistic one from all that I've read,
or Chinmi if you remove the tsuuhaiken and all those "chi attacks"
Tsuyoshi started off with simple street fights
taichi and kung fu and all sort of that always have that mythical and legendary power and awesomeness
that is the reason me and many people wanted to learn martial arts
of course I would want to be able to punch like that, with all those chi or ki or chakra or whateveryouwannacallit
however the more you learn, the more you realize yeah that's not gonna happen
you ain't gonna fly or shoot kamehameha
but on the other side, the more you understand the limit of human body, you can better distinguish which disbelief you can still suspend
everyone knows it is a fictional story, so there always be dramatization,
"grounded"-ness is a spectrum, it is not a YES or NO,
just because I said that the some part of it is MORE GROUNDED that the other, no one means that IT IS A REALITY