So what, we're supposed to forgive/sympathize with her mother for treating Yae like shit because she actually turned out to care about her? Nah, I'm good, let's call a horse a horse. Even if your intentions are "good", treating your kid like shit is treating your kid like shit. Don't care about what happened in your past, your kid is a brand new life and doesn't deserve to be treated like shit just because you had a tough upbringing that they had no part in. Truly, drop dead, you dumb old hag.
Or at the very least, if you can't find a way to express your love for your child in any way other than verbally attacking her and then using those verbal attacks as an excuse to say "I'm not fit to be a mother" and giving the child to another family, then seek therapy. Lord knows you have the money for it. Glad Yae is finding happiness elsewhere, and glad the rest of the Amagami family can be the ones to bring her that happiness.
Thank you as always for the TL! We appreciate you pushing out these chapters!