Sure, hilarious to repeat a year.
If she repeats a year, you can still talk to her. It's not like you're graduation, since then you wouldn't be together anyway.
Don't worry about them being gyaru. Those are friendly creatures, and if they're studying, just so much better.
Somewhat ironically, saying she's discriminatory can actually help, since it can clear the air by being obviously false and refutable.
Third teacher's the charm.
"I thought this only happened in manga..."
Look around you. You'll see the panel borders.
Gyarus in manga are sometimes awesome.
I feel bad for the kid, his only crime is not being into his friend and everyone is telling him how HE feels and making excuses for him. "Oh you're just insecure", "you are just in denial". "You just haven't realized it yet" Poor lad
I agree. He's done nothing wrong and is a decent person. But he
is insecure, so her evaluation of him might not be that far off. I am hoping they won't push too hard, though, since that can easily turn uncomfortable and unreadable. Been there, dropped that.