Uesugi-kun wa Onnanoko wo Yametai - Ch. 13.1

Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2023
The end, the story's over. Pack it up, y'all.

Unless Keisuke doesn't get the reference. But what kinda jock do you even have to be to miss that reference?
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2024
i know every single person on the last page just gotta remember where there from
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2024
I'ma guess that her comment there goes right over his head. Also, I still can't tell what sexuality anyone in this god damn series is.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2021

She liked Kei but felt she couldnt spend time with them as much as Eito could because they were both boys so "wished you were a girl" was more for a better chance as being "allowed" to spend more time with Kei. Its sort of two things going on at once.

Just like with Eito it's just that Noel likes Kei no matter what.
The person in the body, not the body itself.
Really love their Dynamic~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
So this is a reciprocal crush where Noel doesn't care whether Kei is male or female. Looks like things have resolved nicely.

But I suspect they will play up the love triangle again anyway...


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Please change your gender for my convenience thank you
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
I'm simple minded. Does she like him originally? Or she only like him cause he's a girl now?
She likes him and the dude likes him too when he was a dude she couldn't have him due to being blocked by the other now as a girl it's the other way around....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Tsuki ga kirei. Praise the sun. The japs come up with the darndest things to say.
Double-page supporter
May 16, 2018
To make sure no celestial body is left out, please step outside and compliment the sun while staring directly at it.
The sun is a wondrous body, like a magnificent father. If only I could be so grossly incandescent.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
Brain tumor level cliffhanger
Obviously not what she meant and nothing will come of it
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2021
What a pushy prick that guy was.
And she did the TSUKI GA KIREI
Jul 25, 2020
I don't think Kei-chan has to be dense(r than usual) to miss what Noel is saying. Even Noel and one of her friends had never heard of that "The moon is beautiful." thing until ten minutes ago, right before Kei-chan came into the room. The last thing Noel said before that phrase was being outside was an "opportunity", but it makes perfect sense for Kei-chan to think she just means this is their chance for Yuri Moongazing. That may be why Noel said it--nothing helps a "confession" more than a 90% it won't be understood as such. And either way, our hero/ine finally knows neither Eito nor Noel is attracted to the other, and openly consider each other competitors for Uesugi's time. I suspect they'll be sidetracked in love matter when they realize their two best friends kind of hate each other.

Their "wishes" were not actually phrased as requests nor do they have the word "wish" ("Wouldn't it be great if Kei-chan was a girl?", "Being a girl must be nice.", and "I'd rather be a girl."), which is funny given how English-language fiction about wishes/orders tends to be super-focused on exact wording.

Looking over chapter 1 again, I do believe Keisuke's right that Tobi was thinking of Noel's wish when granting his. I figure the timeline is something like:
  1. As younger children, the trio played together in the shrine, making Tobi somewhat familiar with them.
  2. By elementary school, Noel saw being boys gave Eito more time with Keisuke, so she wished Keisuke was a girl. Tobi didn't grant it, as she had no reason to believe Keisuke would be accept that.
  3. In middle school, Keisuke shows up the shrine alone for the first time in years. After making a bunch of regular wishes Tobi didn't care about, her ears perked up when Keisuke mentioned being rejected by Noel and wishing they could talk together regularly again. Tobi was completely ready to take Keisuke seriously when he "joked" that he'd rather be a girl if Noel sees him as one anyway, because then they'd be better friends. Tobi granted the wish because she thought it would be a twofer, and maybe to make up for dismissing the idea previously. (lol, imagine Keisuke gets the 1000-yen bill back but can't be a boy again unless they also get Noel's offering)
  4. Keisuke comes back and complains the same day, and Tobi is annoyed she was right the first time. Not wanting to get into Noel's old wish, Tobi lies and says she picked the "be a girl" wish to grant because she forgot the rest.
Please change your gender for my convenience thank you
We already knew Keisuke's wish was in response to Noel's comment to her friends, now the story doubles down on "Keisuke became a girl because Noel wanted him to be." But Noel still doesn't know, and Kei-chan does enjoy being a girl when they get to be together. I will also point out that, for all Noel's insistence that Kei-chan is a girl now and gushing over how cute she it, Noel also made it clear in the mall trip that Uesugi does not need to act or dress more feminine to fit in.

Still, Noel is being bizarrely insensitive to Keisuke's wishes, which should eventually cause friction instead of just being a very strange thing for their relationship as girls to be based around.

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