Very cute extra, though I'm still slightly disappointed that we got some nice hairstyle, but only one panel of Noel touching Kei-chan's hair (and another of her being Completely Normal about it).
But also, it's pretty much zero effort lol
Kei-chan goes uncorrected stating otherwise, but Noel would rather give her girl friend a hairstyle than teach her to hair-style. And [please give us
something to call their other two friends] just wants to gloat.
Keisuke's pajamas on the first page being kind of girlish is pretty funny. I don't think we saw them in any other chapters.
We saw Keisuke in the usual loose pants and shirt while texting Eito in bed, but they weren't apparently going to sleep anytime soon (neither was under the cover).
Obviously, nee-chan gave Kei-chan the poofy-sleeve PJs. The question is if she said it would help her little sister fit in with the girls, insisted on packing her luggage without explaining its contents, or just switched the clothes after Kei packed.