But yeah, not shocking. It is nice that it wasnt so simple that both of them wished for Kei to be a girl though. But I am surprised Kei didnt keep trying to get Eito to admit that even in the current time he finds Kei cute too lol.
Yabuucho-sensei, sloooow down a bit, you're going too fast rn... (and we all know that when a manga starts speeding up is usually not for a good reason, so I hope it's not what I think it is, or I'll be both sad and disappointed...)
I still think Eito should become a girl too, because then everything would be perfect. Eito doesn't have to be excluded and Kei gets to keep being a girl. And they can still get married as long as only one of them has their family register changed while the other stays legally male. It's a win–win–win.