Unavailable chapters appearing in updated tab

Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Hey, would it be possible to make it so chapters do not appear in updated tab until they're actually available?
Every scan group is starting to use it to make us read on their site which at first I didn't mind for the titles i really liked, but now it's just purely obnoxious and irritating the living sh** out of me. If possible make a separate tab like pending or delayed where people who don't mind going to a different website for every manga they read.

Feels so bad when you click on a new chapter just to be punched with unavailable or delayed. Seems like some scanlators abuse it as well as they update the same chapter a few times without making it available for it to be up top of the feed list again which is really toxic and abusive as well.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
you can disable this feature in the setting:
settings -> site settings -> show unavailable chapters -> hide
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
It seems the option is broken as i have it on hide but i still see them, e.g i see they just re-uploaded 48th chapter (for the second time today) for the Rebirth:City Deity , ofcourse both times i clicked on new chapter it wrote unavailable.
Another question, once the option works again, is it possible to get a filter for it for titles? I would like to see no unavailable chapters except the ones i would whitelist, would be pretty nice.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
regarding chapters that are suddenly unavailable, depending on where you clicked it first, there may have been lag. One example is the mainpage ( https://mangadex.org/ ) is sometimes like 10 minutes behind, where a chapter that was once available becomes unavailable, it takes a long time before it goes away.

Aside: unavailable chapters have the group hidden and an icon besides the chapter number, if it looks normal but when clicked is unavailable, it's mangadex being slow (unless it's persistent, in which case, the chapter might actually be broken).

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