@shishamo yeah sorry, I'm really not the fastest, I could be faster, but ever since carpal tunnel struck, I really have to pace myself...
on good days, i can do a lot of stuff fast but if not I can't disobey the pain in my hand... already i am neglecting it a lot. I always say i don't translate for other people, this is just my own amusement, but reading you saying you would come back every few months to reread the chapter makes me kinda feel bad. OTL
hopefully the tank will come out soon... i probably will use the digital for release cause physical scans will give me more work... (I'm back to doing everything on my own for now) but gonna use the tank to translate cause it's really unbearable reading the microscopic text on the digital while translating. So, fingers crossed this will finally get a tank... (i check Margaret's website every other day and it always pisses me off that serialisation that begin later than this manga already have a volume out but this one still have nothing)
P/S: I do translate a few others where the protag aren't some dumb lovestruck single brain celled organism lol maybe you can check them out