Under the Oak Tree - Ch. 13

Oct 18, 2020
Both of the leads are flawed, especially Maxi, this isn't the worst yet, some of you will be getting really frustrated over Max's actions for many many and many upcoming chapters. But the fact that she does improve over those chapters is something worth watching over her and Riftan as they change.

What's better than a story that shows good characters developments and smut at the same time. I'm a total sucker for both so Under the Oak Tree is definitely my domain :))))))

Thanks the author for a great story was born, thanks the talented artist for the gorgeous un-questionably beautiful and refined art that illustrates the characters' emotions plus portrait their relationship so well. And special thanks to the scanlation team that we are able to read this wonderful babie <3
Jul 28, 2020
Oh god Riftan... after that reaction, he’s got to know something’s up, right? Even if she was already in love with him, most people don’t cry over simple flowers...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
not sure how much longer I'll be following this, I like Riftan, but Maxi has no personality. She's coming out of an abusive situation so that she is shy and suffering from a low sense of worth is understandable and enjoyable to read even. But what does she like? she likes not being abused, cool. what are her wants other than to not be hated by Riftan? she's doing everything out of a sense of duty or fear, and that's not fun to read. I was looking forward to this chapter, seeing if she had any opinions on what décor to buy, but she didn't indicate a preference, even in her own head when she might have been too nervous to say aloud.
I do like the Klimt style cover art though, its cool
Oct 23, 2020
Thank you so much for the wonderfull scanalated update! Love the notes at the end I kept laughing. I worked as a TL and PR too so I understand your pain.


I think contrary to the other comments that say she should be more confident or ask for help.

I think this chapter encapsulates the beginning of her journey to becoming better.
Yes, this chapter shows her lack of confidence, fear of being mistreated and not respected, her lack of knowledge, how her insecurity gets the best of her, how she is easily swayed/manipulated by people (like the merchant) that want to take advantage of her and her desire to become the epitome of noble lady she believes Riftan believes her to be.

In all honesty, I am not a fan of FL's that have n backbone but it doesn't mean I hate them or don't understand them.

We must remember the FL was raised believing she was worthless and that she was someone that could easily be abandoned. So, we must take into consideration that her confidence is absolutely at rock bottom.

Riftan doesn't know she was raised like that, he believes she is a high class noble lady. Though, I doubt he would not love her because she isn't like that. As we all have seen and and fangirled about he is very smitten with Maxi and I believe he will continue to be as he falls deeper in love with her.

They would need to communicate better, Maxi and Riftan are definitely not good communicators. But, all they need to do is to open up to each other (tbh I hope Maxi opens up first but based on my predictions I think Riftan will start opening up to Maxi)

Anyways, let's all be patient and let Maxi grow at her own pace. After all that she has experienced she deserves all the love in the world.

I'm betting all my money, that maybe the magician dude or the butler will help her become a better noble lady ( With accounting, management and ruling stuff)

Again lots of love to scanalation team and the wonderful readers and commenters as well.

Stay safe y'all < 3 :3

-lengthy commenter Eva
Dec 16, 2019
Oh Maxi you poor poor girl someone just needs to tell her it’s ok 😔
Apr 22, 2020
Ohhh maxi 🥺🥺 i just wanna hug her and see her confidence and self esteem grow with time
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2020
Feel like she's getting scammed by the merchant. So many high-quality products that this fortress of a place really does not need.
Mar 19, 2020
This is really painful for me to read. Don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely loving this. And I completely understand her way of thinking. But since I learned long ago the importance of asking questions, teamwork, and acknowledging our limitations, it hurts to see her hurting herself more with her doubts and ignorance. I just want to hug her and let her know it's ok to ask for help. Everyone there is there to help each other as needed. In any relationship, when one has moments of weakness, then the other stronger one helps that one. It's the nature of relationships. But she has no positive experience with that and it's painful to watch.

Thanks for the chapter!
Nov 20, 2020
But you are Ignorant. You dont know the currency, how to manage finance, their way of communication, the style for clothes. You're literally the epitome of ignorance and Its okay to admit that ! First step to learning is admitting you dont know things. If you dont ask, you'll never know and that's a stupider decision.
Jun 15, 2018
Oh no, i'm crying with her ♥ i'm so happy and sad at the same time ♥

thank you so much for translate ♥ i cant even tell how much i love this manhwa ♥
Mar 1, 2019
The quality and translation are marvellous as always ! Thank you so much for bringing that to us!!!
Oct 12, 2020
Ah, Maxi is such a difficult character for people to digest.

How could she have an opinion on anything when she was never even allowed to have an opinion?

It's like expecting someone who has been deaf all their life, to suddenly have a favourite band right after they got their hearing back with an operation.

Maxi has been paradoxically extremely neglected and at the same time ridiculously sheltered.
Do you people think someone as proud and stuck up as her father would ever had made his abuse towards his daughter known or even suspected? MFer probably let even the rats know he loved her so much and was worried about her to the point he could never let her get out of his sight.

Plus Maxi is terrified of being kicked out.

For the first time in her life she's starting to feel happy. She's constantly agonising over Riftan's expectations because of it. She's been emotionally starved to the point that she freaking cried over some silly flowers ffs 💀
Active member
Nov 1, 2020
@eva4hidden there arent just fangirls here, there are fanboys as well.

Regular romance manga doesn't hit quite like this and despite being a guy who can enjoy trashy ecchi or smut, I'm a romantic so pieces like these are the greatest gems. Maxi is heart throbbingly adorable, you just want to pick her up and cuddle her, and tristan is cute as he let's down his powerful knight act and shows his romantic side.

I don't blame or get annoyed by either maxi or tristan, you can find reasons to look down or up at them depending on how you look at it. Maxi's power to endure and try is very admirable, with all her abuse she could've given up or committed suicide from the abuse but she never has. I think the key here is they're both doing their best, and there are misunderstandings that can't go away quickly. Sure we all wish they could just open up completely but that's unrealistic to happen so quickly.

Personally I'd like to see more of tristans history and side of things. I skimmed some of the novel and there's alot more detail that explains his thinkin, though I didn't get to any of his past. It also has had some comments and internal dialog that justify his anger at her earlier when she wasn't at his fief and their talk in the carriage.
Apr 10, 2019
She’s..... a pushover. Alright. Ask for help when you know you’re not even confident in yourself smh 🤦‍♀️
May 14, 2019
She’s so cute and I understand her nerves and self doubt, but girl PLEASE attempt to get a backbone and make a decision! If you are so worried about this mans large sums of money ask questions and ask for help.
Sep 26, 2019

and that merchant is heccin scamming her. all those things is unneeded and overwhelming for the castle alone. i wish not to see the bill and the quarrel between the two.

which is gonna ended up sweet and fine but alas i still dont wanna see more of angst and drama
Mar 24, 2020
Its kind of sad how there are people in the comments who don't understand how hard it is for people who have been abused all their life to suddenly become someone they're not.
We know she was saved from her family, but in her mind, Riftan was forced to take her so she is trying to hide her flaws so she doesn't get kicked out. She doesn't realize how much he loves her yet.
Thank you for the chapter!

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