Under the Oak Tree - Ch. 13

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Oylesine - I picked up on "Anatol," but not the currencies - interesting! Could be the clothing choices are just author or artist preference, or that they wanted a quick visual reference to "Middle Ages" that is more obvious for South Korean readers. Ottoman stylings are probably seen as more modern, considering the Empire lasted all the way up to the early 20th century.
Active member
Sep 5, 2018

Riftan was a knight apprentice that was raised way above his station by Maxi's father. He did that to send Riftan off to the war/dragon instead of going himself or paying fines for not supporting the king. The assumption was that Riftan would die and everybody knew that except for Maxi.

Because of that Riftan believed Maxi was married to him against her will. He also did/does not have any direct experience with women romantically. He got what he knows second hand from the other knights. So, he does not read her emotions well.

Add to that,

The miserable wedding consumation they had (they were given a few hours to meet and mate before he had to leave for the front or the marriage could be annulled, and Maxi didn't know what was going on)
Maxi did not step foot in the castle he was given as dowry for three years (Maxi didn't know she was supposed to go)
Maxi has not been able to express herself and it shows as fear or guilt

All of these things add up to Riftan believing Maxi feels disappointed and guilty about being trapped in a marriage she does not want. He asked on their wedding night if she wanted to back out. She said no so he made the decision to try and be a good husband. He's trying to woo her but at the same time he thinks it won't be good enough because he's essentially seen as a propped up lord sitting way above his station. So, when she cries he thinks that's the reason why.

Though it seems like a lot of time has passed, their one on one time has been limited and essentially monopolized by sex. They'll change as they get more time to talk.
Oct 17, 2019
I'm so worried about her getting duped by merchants and the like. I am so afraid that she's going to feel even worse when it happens than she would if she just came out and said she needed a teacher or help. I guess its a slippery slope to confessing how she was treated but i hope they get there before she makes monumental errors in judgement.
Apr 21, 2020
@WanderingKaos You have no ideia how worried I am too. I wish she would ask for Rodrigo's help. He would help her with pleasure. It seems the servants are good hearted people and won't mistreat her. Her family is crazy and sick and I feel so sorry for all the abuse she surfered in their hands.
May 23, 2020
I... hm. Oh Maxi, if you've never even seen a coin before, you should absolutely ask for help. Budgeting is hard as f*ck and the merchant is gonna sell you the most expensive and useless stuff. Don't get tricked or sugared into it! Happened to me and the feeling is terrible!
Oct 20, 2019
I'm worried for Maxi. Honey, pls ask for help! thank you for the translation as always :DD
Dec 9, 2020
OHMAWGWAHD I'm really worried for Maxi. She's as ignorant as she's innocent. That f*ed up father of hers.🤬🤬🤬

i wanna see her "b*tch-tiful" sister and im d*mn curious bout the princess

and thanks Patchy Scans for the wonderful scanlations🤩
Jun 14, 2020
Don't worry people someone will 'help' maxi about her current obstacle🙏🏼😌

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