Urasekai Picnic - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Time, Space, and a Middle-aged Man I

Aug 25, 2019
"Relationship" being an accomplice. Any other delusion was born inside that disgusting creep brain of hers.
No, she wasn't risking her own life for Toriko, but for her own selfish reasons. Money was never a "side problem". "Special relationship" was, though. It was literally mentioned once at the start and then nothing. Money, though, came up all the time.

And them saving each other a couple times is completely irrelevant to my point. If anything it only proves it. They're even. Sorawo is nothing and Toriko owes her nothing. Yet the self-centered little twat still thinks she does and acts hurt when people are not willing to deal with her insulting them.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Money was never a "side problem". "Special relationship" was, though. It was literally mentioned once at the start and then nothing. Money, though, came up all the time.
@Moribden and now you’re just making it up. they didn’t talked once about getting money since they got like 500,000 each. And Toriko brought that money up. If Money wasn’t side problem, Sorawo wouldn’t get ticked off by Toriko for bringing money up.
Sorawo is nothing and Toriko owes her nothing. Yet the self-centered little twat still thinks she does and acts hurt when people are not willing to deal with her insulting them.
You better not read any serious yuri manga with that view of yours. They don’t need to owe each other. Like it or not, Sorawo is becoming irreplaceable to Toriko and Toriko to Sorawo. That’s how their relationship is going to be. And that’s how most serious yuri manga define a relationship. So like I said many time to you, go read other series which have MC you like instead of being here and bitching about Sorawo for being MC you don’t like.
Aug 25, 2019
Yeah, all serious yuri manga is based on disgusting creeps, lmao. Grow up and read REAL yuri manga.

Go read some bullshit edgy shit you like, since edginess is the only thing that makes good series according to you, instead of bitching here about how Sorawo is perfect. Nobody will miss you.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Yeah, all serious yuri manga is based on disgusting creeps, lmao. Grow up and read REAL yuri manga.
Do you realize how stupid you are sounding right now? I don't even know what to say to that but anyway, thanks for making me laugh so HARD. I'm starting to think of everything you said as a joke and will continue to do so. Please do your best!
Go read some bullshit edgy shit you like, since edginess is the only thing that makes good series according to you, instead of bitching here about how Sorawo is perfect. Nobody will miss you.
One more made-up thing from you since I've never said anything related to 'Sorawo is perfect'. What I'm saying is THAT Sorawo shouldn't be blamed for what she did at this chapter and that she is being reasonable in this chapter. And one more made-up from you again, what did I say about what you called 'Edgy shit'? Nothing at all. LOL. Please do your best at making me laugh with your made-up things!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Firstly, thanks again for another joke of yours.
Secondly, who said that series is not enjoyable? By the way, if you are forgetting who said this, here is the link and read what you said in 2nd paragraph. You are obviously the one who don't like MC here. Tell me a good reason why I should go read 'edgy shit manga' that you assume I like? LOL. I'm not the one who is bitching about what you called 'b**ch' MC here. I like MC here and I find everything about this series enjoyable. So please do your best at making things up again
Aug 25, 2019
Shhhhhh, stop butthurting all over the place.
Go read some edgy manga and cool down. Maybe you'll even start making sense, because at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered rational thought. May god have mercy on your soul.
May 12, 2020
Hhhhhh oh boy, I knew Sorawo's questionable communication abilities would lead to this one day. Welp.

Toriko's... devotion? To Satsuki is put on an eerie spin with the entire 'Otherworld Exposure Makes You Insane' thing. It makes me wonder just how messed up Toriko (and possibly, Satsuki) is under their facade. Co-dependency? Maybe a dash of Otherworld Magic, too? Toriko's recklessness will be the death of her, ngl. Sorawo should...well, work on her communication skills. We know most of her thoughts, but she's also an unreliable narrator.

Also, bad communication kills. In this case, maybe literally.

In gun terms, Sorawo acts as safety hatch, and Toriko acts as the trigger. They're a team now, and afaik, they mostly keep each other in check. And ngl, slightly worried for Toriko's sanity. Sorawo's mind seems to be a bit more stable/realistic. She's not a shōnen manga protagonist. She's not expected to save anyone except those she wants to save. It's honestly refreshing to see a selfish/rational narrator in manga for once, and the selfless/emotional character as the secondary protagonist.

Lastly, Satsuki? God, I hope the manga gives us more Satsuki Crumbs. No illust of her character at all. Sorawo has a point that they should do IRL research on Satuki's final IRL Hours before she went MIA. Might spark a hint.

Thanks for the chapter, and take care!
Group Leader
Aug 11, 2020
satsuki has literally been missing for months, possibly stuck on the otherside. let alone the horrors of the otherside, unless she has food and water that could last her that long, i honestly don't see a way that she is alive.
Jun 5, 2018
I understand the point from both side, and like how these two are very human. They complement each other well in the bizare world they thread, but on the normal world they really need time to collect their thoughts.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
I love that we have a selfish, rational-minded MC instead of the usual ones that just rush into danger. It's realistic. Also, Toriko's unhinged at this point, and honestly, I don't like her much for repeatedly risking a friend's life (when they both almost died numerous times) to save another friend who is most probably dead.

I can't believe people in the comments actually think Sorawo's a bitch for saying what she said. I don't think any of them would venture into the Other Side to save someone they literally haven't even met, lmao.
Active member
Oct 20, 2020
I hate the damn MC his acting selfish to the first guy aka the S.t.a.l.k.e.r guy he meet and saying his stinky and acting crazy. if im in the position of the old guy what will you do when you're family member suddenly dissapear and you'll go crazy or not and also he doesn't even care for the soldiers because their treating them harshly and also they thought this japanese student are one of those monster and also their losing their damn minds in their but i gotta say the story sets in is good but the mc is just acting gay

Side note: Who the hell cares about hygiene in other world where their are literally stuff gonna kill you

Another side note: i didnt know this is Yuri romance
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
"Messed up her head" it's funny how weak her mental foundation is lol
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
@fsadddfsa there will always be those, with a very strong bond with someone, to never give up searching even if they're dead or alive. But, her strong will of thought that Satsuki is "alive" is in the realm of a Lunatic. That's what you'd expect from someone who is so very mentally disturbed while acting tough. They're like crumbling houses that with only a certain tap on a certain spot would make it collapse into dust.
Double-page supporter
May 3, 2019
@nivinator someone finally understands! It would be unrealistic for me if she kept on joining Toriko! Satsuki is not her friend, so why would she bother on joining her? Also, the money they receive is not enought to risk her life smh

Did u guys see how scary the place was? I'm surprise that they managed to visit this place multiple times
Sep 18, 2020
Wow, this turned into a very heated discussion . . . .

I don't know if I'm weird or something, but it feels like I've been reading a different story altogether to some of the people ranting about Sorawo being a horrible person. Certainly so far in the manga the most I think you can say is that she's a pretty normal (if socially awkward and introverted) human being who's gone through some seriously fucked up shit - she's scared, and frankly she's done an amazing job getting through these situations without either dying or going insane (or both). She's been able to get through these situations in large part because of the partnership that she has with Toriko, and it's a genuine partnership, with both of them bringing strengths to the table, strengths that complement each other and help cover for each other's weaknesses. Ironically, one of Sorawo's strengths is exactly that she experiences fairly normal fear (though honestly, a lot less than probably most people - she's afraid in the same way that a normal person would be, but not to an extent that it stops her from being able to function). Toriko is far less fearful than she should be, and that causes her to take far more risks than she should - Sorawo pulls her back from that, moderating the risks without causing the pair of them to become too cautious to be able to make progress. But at the same time she's entirely capable of taking risks when she can see that they're justified - she was the one who came up with the plan to jump off the platform in front of a moving train, after all.

I'm really confused by the accusations that Sorawo is selfish. She's certainly making decisions that are centred to a large extent around her own interests, but that's entirely rational, particularly at this point in the relationship between the two of them - there's nothing selfish about looking out for yourself, particularly when you aren't sure how much the person you're working with will look out for you themselves. She's also looking out for Toriko - her reluctance to rush back to the otherside is in part driven directly by her fear for herself, but also her fear for /both of them/. They've /both/ been in those ridiculously dangerous situations, and they've /both/ been inches away from death - the fact that Toriko isn't phased by that doesn't mean Sorawo is being selfish or unreasonably fearful, it indicates pretty clearly that Toriko is dangerously irrational. Her insistence on going after Satsuki with such urgency at a point where it's highly unlikely that she's still alive is another indication of that dangerous irrationality, and while Sorawo could probably have found a better way to broach the subject with Toriko it really needed to be done /somehow/, before the obsession lead to one or both of them getting killed.

I'm also confused by the accusations that Sorawo "just wants to get in her pants" or similar. I mean, at this point Sorawo hasn't even mentioned any attraction to Toriko other than "wow, she's beautiful" - there's no reason at all that we should be letting the yuri tag colour our interpretations of her actions, beyond that most basic "wow, she's beautiful" level. Certainly there's nothing going on between them at this point other than friendship and partnership ("accomplices", as Toriko put it right at the start)
and when things /do/ finally get a bit more yuri it's /Toriko/ pushing them in that direction, not Sorawo - in fact, it wasn't until volume 4 that Sorawo started accepting that maybe the yuri tag might be justified

And a final point about Sorawo. The LNs are written from her perspective exclusively, and (so far at least) the manga has followed the LNs very closely. That means that what we're reading and seeing is /Sorawo's/ perspective of what's happened, not a truly objective perspective. And I don't think Sorawo is a particularly reliable narrator - I think her sense of self is pretty messed up, her self-image is messed up, and she's got some major trauma that's driving a lot of her thinking and behaviour. The most blatant example of that in the manga is when she describes her own backstory as (words to the effect of) "pretty normal, not very interesting", which is most assuredly /not/ the case.
After all, after her mother died her remaining family joined a crazy death cult of some sort, which she escaped from but then spent years on the run trying to avoid them; she spent significant chunks of time living rough while on the run; and it was only after the cult all died under mysterious circumstances that she was able to return to anything like a normal life. That's not in any way shape or form "normal, not very interesting", but our narrator basically brushes all of this under the carpet, only revealing more of that backstory in dribs and drabs as each bit is relevant to a particular scenario happening in the current storyline. Oh, and on top of that she's got history with at least one of the kinds of monsters that exist in the otherside and the interstitial spaces, history from long before she ever discovered her first doorway - again, we only discover anything about this when it comes up in the current time, because our narrator is both messed up and unreliable.
So I think that we're seeing a view of Sorawo that's coloured by her own self-image, and by her extensive trauma and learned trauma coping mechanisms - in effect, she's actively making herself look bad, even when she's acting entirely reasonably and rationally.

But hey, maybe I'm just reading my own way of thinking into the characters . . .

Regardless, so far this is a damned good adaptation of the novels.

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