Ponko is a banned, discontinued autonomous combat robot retrofitted for civilian purposes with an X-Buster in one of her arms.
i can't wait to learn more about this.
my understanding is that 30 years ago, after the war, production of humanoid robots ceased due to regulation. then, they decided to grandfather in any humanoid robots already in service. i assume they are just waiting for the robots to reach "end of life", at which point they recyle them.
but if humanoid robots were part of the reason for the war, why are they still in service? why haven't their weapons been deactivated? why weren't they recycled immediately? if humanoid robots like ponko and her sister can break the laws of robotics, it seems like a really bad idea for them to be out in the world...
i want answers. but, its slice of life, so i'm sure we'll learn a few scraps of information in a year or so...