Using Anonymous/Unknown groups to possibly bypass Block status

Jan 19, 2018
Basically, someone uploaded a chapter that involves a scanlator that is well known for being blocked for sniping. Nut, it is being shown as a collaborative effort, using Unknown/"/a/nonymous" as their partners. Is this allowed, or a possible backdoor attempt to bypass rules? As a note, this appears to be the only upload this account has done.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 11, 2018
It's a fundamentally awful idea to allow groups to bypass blocks by working with other groups. Why did someone think that would be a system that makes people happy? If I block someone, I don't want to see the issues they put out, period.
Jan 19, 2018
I am avoiding naming the person and groups/chapter involved that way if it is legal, then that's that. If it is determined it is not, then I have no qualms pointing out the chapter/uploader.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Don't bother protecting him, he's been doing this exploit for few months or so now. He needs no protection, its common knowledge on this site.

It's that one man group SSSSS and Steam Bun Invasion. This time, he's been bypassing the blocking by making a new proxy account in his SSSSS group and uploading his trash using the new account and bypassing blocking with Unkown/ Anon exploit.

(SteamedBun's new Proxy account. Notice the brand new create date is 3/27/20) **Also notice how it's not listed under the Group name Currently as of 3/28/20

(The Infamous one person Tranlation Troll group that revolves around Spoiling the latest chapters)

What are the odds that a group with only one member suddenly has another person uploading his work under a one day account hmmmm? None, The account was made 3/27/20. I'm Not blind or stupid, I know what he did.

I have it all screen shotted if needed.

Edit 3/28/20: Spelling errors. Actually I would be more surprised if SteamedBun actually edited anything. He truly doesn't care, I should just remove that.
Jan 19, 2018
@crazybars Sadly, the idiot sent me a mail, and has failed to read the main comment section of the manga I was referring to. If he did, he would realize that I already suspected him of using an alt account to bypass the blocks and using it as the up-loader. I wouldn't be surprised if the idiot (I apologize to all the idiots out there for associating him with you, but I don't really have a suitable term to use otherwise) has more alt accounts and doing this more often. But I would prefer to not waste my time on someone like him any further than I already have.

As a further note, to whichever admin reads this post, I can confirm that they edited the "scanlators" up-loader part and removed the "SSSSS", obviously in an extremely weak attempt to hide their tracks, failing to recognize that there are logs you guys keep, plus people such as above who have screenshots.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Yeah, best let it go. This is probably gonna eventually be fixed. He modified all his accounts again to erase the evidence. This guy does this all the time.

For anyone in the future, this is how it looked before SteamedBun edited all the accounts and such and how he circumvented your block group feature.

On 3/28/20, this is SteamedBun's Sock puppet account activity uploading Iruma Kun 93 .Notice how it's uploaded under the group Unkown\A\ . . . . Also notice how it was made only one day before on 3/27/20.

This is how the Sock Puppet's account chapter upload of Iruma Kun 93 looked on the SSSSS group page on 3/28/20 . It's uploaded as a collab with Unkown\A\SSSSS . . . . . Also notice it's a One Man group. How odd that a new One or Two day account suddenly starts uploading a troll chapter like SteamedBunInvasion does all the time.

You can tell it's the SSSSS group page because the page looked like this on 3/29/20.
The Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Chap 64 was the chapter below the Sock Puppet uploaded Iruma 93 chapter we saw earlier.



Scroll And bingo

*edited 3/29/20: Added Dates to make it easier.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
Feel free to report these. Staff will investigate and if there is evidence that he's trying to evade site features, he will be dealt with.
Jan 19, 2018
@Holo Sent in report on chapter, just in case as it feels painfully obvious what was going on here. You know the saying, "Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, swims like a duck, then it must be a duck."

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