Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 538 - What Was Coming

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
So wait, you're telling me even Baku's bad stamina was a plot point?!

And wait, does this mean Baku is dead and Hal once again is the leader?

What is going on...
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 17, 2019
Ok, there's a lot things going on here.

Firstly, welp Billy is definitely dead. I wonder if the Japanese audience were like us who believe that Billy is somehow alive so the mangaka show us this to tell us "yeah... he's definitely dead".

Also Eko is somehow a prophet? And it seems like the Prince Bee book is kinda like her prophecy. Like how does that work? I thought this whole time she was faking it so she can control the world (which she mentions at the last chapter). This is getting to the supernatural territory, usually there's some scientific basics to all the crazy superpowers. Can she echolocate to the future somehow? I think the mangaka probably just wrote himself to a corner so we just have a person that can somehow see the future now.

Also kariuma is medicine? How? Is the medicine disguise as a kariuma? Surely the kariuma is not the actual medicine cause of that time in Protoporos they were selling real kariuma. Kyara even ate one so it's definitely real. How did Baku even hide the medicine in his kariuma in Protoporos (since I remember it was mostly Champ & others who handle all the kariuma packaging stuff) and no one notice?

And... Baku died? Consider there's quite a lot of fake death already I'll reserved from making a conclusion until the next chapter. Though I actually don't mind if Baku dies here. I mean throughout the manga we been told time and time again that a gambler that keeps winning does not exist. And after Baku won against Kiruma there's nothing else to do. Dominating the world would be cool, but Baku's goal in this manga have always been to surpass the leader. Now that he finish that goal everything else just seems like extras.

Also I love the introduction of Abi. Sako Toshio always have a knack making unique and interesting characters. The scene where he have his arm around half-Billy and half-Lalo made him my Top 10 Usogui characters. Would love to see more of him, I hate that there's just one more chapter left. I'm not ready to let go of Usogui.

And is there some translation issue in pg 8? "Thanks to you, your life is going great" doesn't make much sense. Is it "Thanks to you, my life is going great" since that man just won against Baku?
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2020
Well, to think that his low-stat body was a product of his loss.. this made Baku much more monstrous (still being able to dominate Kakerou and Ideal) and weaker (Baku is not as peerless as we thought since he once lose a gamble even before the story of Usogui) than we thought.

I think this revelation would be much more impactful if Baku actually hinted the reason for his weak body much more earlier. But I still dig this, since I really like how the MC is such an Enigma until the very end.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2019
In our discord discussion we found out that plums in general has heart inflammation benefits! Hope that gives some explanation to the medicine portion.
Phytochemicals and nutrients in plums lower the inflammation that triggers heart disease.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2018
so are the bee roles reversed? we thought Hal would be the bee who died to empower his friend but now its starting to seem the otherway around since after what usogui's done by taking out ideal and now the other members of vice, he's making kagerou more powerful then ever right in time for him to die and leave his spot open.
Mar 11, 2019
This is freaking nuts. So bakou already loss and had a defect heart. Looks like he probably died and Hal is back as leader stronger than ever :eek:
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
I've always appreciated the fact that Baku was physically weak. It made him appeal to me more as a protagonist, since he was playing death games in a world of superhumans with a huge handicap. I feel like it tied very closely to the theme of the manga where if you can't enforce your winnings in a gamble, then it means nothing. He had to perfectly leverage Kakerou's immense power to actually enforce his winnings, which is important because Kakerou was very strict about their rules (Lacy "won" and got his ship to sail, but had no protection from Oofuna and Hachina). Even then, Baku was often put in compromising positions (Abandoned Building, Labyrinth, Tower Game, Portoporos Nightmare) and had to play perfectly to avoid superhumans (Rodem, Minowa, Billy, Hyogo). Even in games against people who we can assume had "average" phyiscal strength like Sadakuni and Lalo, Baku was at a disadvantage (as shown in the final arc of Air Poker where Lalo considered just having a stamina battle).

It's also nice that it's confirmed that it's a debilitating weakness and not him simply being a weak skinny guy as a gag. Ultimately, Baku's heart weakness WAS a crippling one, but he was able to avoid ever having that weakness exploited by his opponents. It makes his feats very impressive, and I think ties very nicely into a theme the manga has been hammering over and over. Same with the concept of a gambler that only wins doesn't exist; everyone loses sometime, and everyone ultimately will die. But considering how The Prince Bee goes I'm pretty confident Baku knew that ultimately Hal would come back stronger than ever, and he was going to be giving an even stronger Kakerou back to him.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 5, 2019
I think someone already mentioned the fact that the thing that Baku always eats is his medicine.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
He just had to throw one more twist in at the end of it all. The author had planned so much of this story from the start, it's insane to see.

The Donor Game was probably long ago, given that Baku had his Kariume addiction from the first time he met Kyara and started his Kakerou domination. Which means he lost his heart before the age of 15? That's quite a messy situation to be in. That being the case though, he might have wanted to be the "Dominant Evil" from before watching the video with Eko? Alternatively, he actually lost his heart at some point in the 8 year gap while trying to become a rival prince in actuality, since Abi Khan was part of May Thorpe, one of the vices. Maybe this was already established?

We've been given a lot of answers, and that's only raised more questions. This time though, those questions aren't likely to be answered.
Double-page supporter
Sep 6, 2018

Yeah the pg8 line is weird, but it is indeed correct.

I also thought it was weird for the kariume to be medicine, since Kaji also ate it as well, early on IIRC. But perhaps if there was some actual medicine applied, the taste would've been covered up by the kariume, and the people eating wouldn't notice, and it wouldn't have any negative effect in low dosages. I was thinking that during protoporos, there were two possible hints of the kariume being modified medicine: 1) Baku knew how to order/package kariume, 2) Lalo putting drugs in the food. Combining those hints, maybe Baku had a personal supplier that he instructed to put his medicine into the kariume. And maybe he ordered kariume from that source too during Protoporos.

But I think the source of plums simply being good for the heart is also a likely possibility as well.

One interesting thing I just noticed about Baku's stamina - at the start of the manga during the abandoned building, he gets tired after running up a flight of stairs. Then before the gamble vs Leader, he gets tired by walking up stairs. Wonder if that was an additional hint that his stamina was not just low, but was actually decreasing, and so would eventually lead to this.


I wonder how he even got into contact with Abi Khan in the first place, since he should be on the same level as Lalo and Al Hizbul's leader in terms of being hard of meet. So many questions indeed.

I'm thinking that his motive might also include getting his original heart back as well, since it seems like he didn't bother to get a new heart even though Baku probably has the money and connections needed to get one.
Mar 3, 2020
hum.. why are everyone so convinced that Baku died ? there are such thing proving it... Plus, isnt Baku just doing what Lalo was trying to do ? gathering all the vice inside his control ?

Now, the dude that beat Baku seems to be a beast even stronger than Baku since he actually managed to be the boss of a world wide organisation with a bad heart ( @BossCrab 😏), the world is indeed a big place, makes you wonder if Lalo would,even, be able to achieve his goal.

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