Oh FOR FUCKS SAKE. "dO i ReALly dEsErvE tHiS POweR??¿"
You LITERALLY saved a young boy's life in the first few chapters, resolved a 10 year old murder, a robbery and a ransom. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP. I absolutely HATE these retarded protagonists who do 100 good things with their "cUrSed PoWErs oH nO" only to then go on another "hurr durr my power is dangerouz and cursed and useless wah wah" crying train every time it fails them in any way. Sheesh.
Goldfish fucking memory, cant even remember the cases you just solved.
This manga isnt the worst case ive seen this happening, but it is just bad enough to tip me over the edge of bad writing tragedies. So Im gonna unwind with this particular dumbass.
PS: I understand why she is the way she is, but it really annoys me anyways ok? Let me rant in peace and cool down.