Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - Kouhai and Sashinomi

Power Uploader
Aug 2, 2018
Can anyone tell me what the heck happened in the middle panel? Did she vomit?
I'm not a drinker so I dont know anything about hangovers...
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
@AthK Exactly. The sparkles and cat decal are a silly form of censoring a gross scene.
Active member
Jun 16, 2018
@givemersspls Since no one truly answered this question but only gave speculation from another manga, let me tell you as a person who took a taxis in Japan that you can pay with a credit card. Though it becomes a bit more plausible outside Tokyo, but I paid taxis with credit cards just fine.

But it remains true that a lot of places don't take card. As a tangent, I want to warn also that Taxis are stupid expensive in Tokyo. It's a prime candidate for disruption by something like Uber when it was still on that early business model, except Tokyo somehow manage put a stop to that before Uber or any other companies manage to recreate that situation of becoming too big to stop.

But I digressed, why the MC still want to use cash? Dunno. Lots of manga and anime still follow a lot of cell phone and internet tropes of 10 years ago with flips phones and stuff. Maybe that's the reason?
Active member
Jun 16, 2018
@givemersspls Taxis did lobbied hard to stop Uber from coming in. But unlike other places, they were particularly successful in stopping it. There's other places where Uber was stopped (a lot of places actually now), but usually with either another rival winning out (like Grab in Southeast Asia, Ola in India, Didi in China) that still means taxi industry getting wrecked and regulatory forces still caught off-guard. But Tokyo and generally Japan is not one of those places.

You know the crazy thing? Most non-Uber rideshare companies that have succeeded in taking on Uber are all heavily backed by the Japanese company Softbank. So Uber and Softbank-backed rideshare companies are disrupting taxi all over the world - except Japan (so far, they are still trying).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Cash is easier to limit yourself.

With either debit or credit, it's easy to overspend without noticing.

Cash you take out a set amount, and can watch it disappear as you spend.

That being said, it's easier to show you're broke with cash vs a card in a manga.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Did anyone else notice that all the female background characters/attendants so far, aside from being fairly stacked, wore glasses?
I dunno, just kinda noticed.

I dunno, my dude.
I feel she kinda deserves a good preaching. Also, he made some valid points.
Though now that you mention it, I'm actually also quite interested in what got her interested in him in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
@Markgraf Hah, yeah, you don't want to cut your drinking teeth on ouzo, trust me. Devious thing hits even harder than it feels at first (and it hits plenty hard upfront). Nothing goes with some fresh octopus quite like it, though.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2019
Yuzu Sake is a damn fine choice. It's one of my personal favourites. Well, along with Whiskey, Dark Rum, Irish Cream, Red Wine, Tia Maria, and high-quality Cider. Or Vodka if there's no other options.
Tequila, Gin and Beer are disgusting though.

That drinking water thing is absolute truth as well. Every time I've gone out drinking, I've made sure to have at least a couple of large glasses of it afterwords, and because of that in my 7 years of drinking even on the couple of times I've hit blackout drunk I've never had a single hangover.

Stay hydrated kids!
Actually, don't drink, kids! Not until the legal age of wherever you're from.
But when you do, stay hydrated!
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@Carnage This is just a theory, but it's probably his intellect. I mean:
1. He's pedantic.
2. He's asocial and prefers games.
2.1. He's painfully frank.
3. He always looks like he saw something he cannot unsee.

Those are signs of schizoid accentuation, which is based around high intelligence at the expense of almost everything else. How big is the expense depends on how deep accentuation is (it can go to the level of personality disorder, though it doesn't happen that often).
If you want some real-life examples of that particular eye expression, look at H. P. Lovecraft, R. R. Martin, A. Sapkowski, F.P. Herbert Jr.
My girlfriend often jokes that it's easy to find a good book if you look at the author's face, though I find it a bit oversimplifying (don't tell her, though).
Oh, and high intelligence means a good sense of humor (that's the reason sense of humor is such an important characteristic in sexual selection in humans). Also my hypothesis would explain why he's so friggin dense. Shizoids are so terrified of getting close to someone they try to find a catch in everything.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Could you give me some sources on how your examples relate to schizoid accentuation? I'm not doubting you, I'd just like to read up on it a little.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@Carnage You're probably better off googling it since I suspect my sources are outdated and have been corrected since with more accurate data, but it all started with Kretschmer and Sheldon. Also, Lowen is pretty known for his character classification.
The part about facial expression and the eyes was actually from info on schizophrenia, but it also applies to schizoids, albeit to a lesser degree.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I remember first time I drank. I had a strawberry daiquiri, got tipsy, and spent half an hour telling my parents how much I liked Winona Ryder. That's all that happened.
8 years later and I've still never been actually drunk, and I still love Winona Ryder.
Hell, I don't drink anymore bc it interferes with my meds.
Jul 7, 2020
Sheez senpai you have such a self control. A completely drunk big boobed kouhai staying at your place both alone is almost an imposible proof for chastity hahahahaha

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