Ok, so was Ishtar Diaage's reincarnation or not? I feel like that would've explained a lot (Duzie's odd feeling of familiarity around her, the way the sword "spoke" to her, which would make sense if it housed her old incarnation's soul), and it seemed to be heavily implied by Sharlen's flashback. Aside from that, I was disappointed with so many things in this manga. Darres never getting a good personality or depth, Ishtar still picking him, the trainwreck ending, Ishtar's lack of growth (I don't mean character development; she got some of that, though not as much as I'd like. I'm talking about how by the end of the story, despite numerous sparring sessions with Darres and magic lessons with Duzie and Yuujel, she's still useless). Honestly, I wouldn't give this a re-read.