Virgin Extinction Island

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 31, 2020
Can necrophilia or zoophilia/bestiality like in your hentai work, Japan? It's an option, right? Great content otherwise, Japan. I wonder what you'll give us next.
Apr 21, 2018
I have zero interest in this, but just wanted to say:

Those faces on the covers are really unsettling for some reason.
Apr 28, 2020
@4V29LN0n the DTG virus infected people gain super powers, those who died because of the virus, their body isn't strong enought to handle the power. Our MC is one of the first people to awaken this unknown power but the Americans they can't let the Japanese have that kind of power.
Sep 25, 2020
when i read first chap, i thought its gonna be bad manga. But it get better and better 10/10 for me
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2018
Does this get better? I don't have a "being abused by women" fetish

yup it gets better, solid 8
Apr 7, 2019
I can't tell if this manga is supposed to be an incel's victim complex come to life, or a critique of incel bullshit. It honestly feels like its trying to be both at the same time. The roasts from the army girl and the poor classmates were nice, basically everything else is weird, bad, and/or outright harmful.

Don't read this crap, and don't recommend it. Anything good it could do is completely negated by the fact that it feels like/partially is an incel's victim complex.

Edit: Ok I admittedly disregarded my own advice and read some more out of curiousity and to see if I could get a better understanding of it. Now wish fulfillment is also in the mix, with girls just being OK with incel bullshit (with the glasses dude) and making promises of purity and all that bull (with the MC), and the hot cherry picker taking an interest in the MC. Cherry picker made some good points about how that 'purity'/'unclean' stuff is bull, but her attraction to a 17 year old creeps me out (she is an adult from what I can tell) and some of what was in her speech was kind of whack.

Overall, what the fuck is this manga. Seriously, what the fuck.

To all incels, (fellow) virgins, and young'uns in general: Please don't read this. There are many, many better places to learn about sex, healthy expectations, and all that crap. Also, while this does critique incel/purity stuff (at least on a surface level, with it fucking rewarding the glasses kid for no good reason), it still strikes me as rather misogynistic and still places too much value on virginity.

Obviously sex is nice, and I hope to have it with someone I care about someday, but obsessing over it and tying it to your self-worth or manliness/womanliness/humanliness or whatever is unhealthy.

Btw sex is not magical either, it will not fix your problems, and first times are not always the best for either party. It takes time and practice to get good at sex. Also I know this is going long but dick size is not that important, being nice does not entitle you to sex and affection, remember foreplay and to be gentle with the clit (exceptions exist, listen to your partner), and know that women do not just go for '''chads''' or bad boys or whatever bullshit you think is the only thing they like. Same goes with sex with guys, tho obviously swap the clit for the balls or the head or something.
Jan 21, 2020
@CurseB I think you are reading to much into this. This is just a silly parody that makes fun of everyone. Yo have obsesed virgins, abusive chads, The United States of America tryin to weaponise it. It's not trying to convey a message, it's just trying to be the silliest and cheesiest thing it can be.
Jun 3, 2020
In this comment section , salt is a way of life
Obviously the environment down here is all salt.
The ceiling is salt, the floor is salt, and to an extent the air is salt.
And you breathe that in, and you constantly taste the salt
Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2020
"A possibility of a rape attempt, in the next chapter, there is. Hmm." - Yoda
Active member
Oct 16, 2018
I find it hilarious that someone was able to write an essay like that guy did. The first chapter alone is enough to make anyone understand this is not trying to send some kind of deep message so I agree with you on that. CurseB was being very extra (and a bit creepy) if I had to be honest.
Aug 9, 2020
Guys, please don't take this manga very seriously( if you do, I bet ppl will make fun of you). This manga is supposed to be a joke. @CurseB calm your tits bro. Most ppl didn't take this manga seriously and stop acting like Mr. know-everything . Even the mangaka joking about his manga. @CurseB if you take this manga very seriously,I suggest you to not read this manga, it's not something you should compare to reality. To anyone who know the difference between reality and fiction, I really I suggest you read this manga. The author really know how to bring progress in this manga. The storyline is great( you if think this manga as a fiction) , the characters design is great and at least the mc can thinks like a normal human(?).

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