Virus Detected from Manga's Art Images Download

Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
There is an issue where whenever I download the volume front page from the art section of the manga, my McAffe AV detects the file as a virus
I thought it must some DRM-based issue so for once I pulled it out of quarantine but the after few minutes of opening and closing the file, my AV again raised the flag
I would like you guys to check if it's a false detection or something wrong is going on
The main point of what happened to Apple, and even happened to some Consoles (I can't remember exactly which, but I think the PSVita had a homebrew enabler based on opening an image or something like that, I do remember one based on the mail application though), is that it's not that the image has a virus, but it triggers a failure in the application itself.

This is similar to the old "WMV" viruses because most people used to use Microsoft Media Player to run videos, so it triggered scripts available there, but that wouldn't happen on other Video Players.

That's why "trojans" in images make very little sense, it would require running the image in a very specific application (like a specific browser, like either the...
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
What manga is it, what image is it specifically, and does it have the word "Cheat" in the filename?

some DRM-based issue

There's no DRM on MD, for the record.
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
Virustotal says it's clean, can you post a screenshot of the exact message you're getting from McAfee? I'm assuming it's a false positive at this point.
Then I will do it when I will open my laptop tomorrow
(It's 3AM and I don't wanna wake up everyone, so sorry for the inconvenience 😔)
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
@BraveDude8 can you please look at these screenshots

I can also take the risk to replicate the same virus warning if you want
I have absolutely no idea what it detected, but the image file we're hosting is clean and even McAfee agrees with that via Virustotal.

See if you can trigger it again by redownloading the same image.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
@fadingbang Sometimes Virus Protection apps will go wild on unrecognized links, downloads and more.
Unrelated but sort of aligning with this, since the LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) Server Connection to Home is different than most games. Upon updates Norton will not allow connection until I validate it.
Case in point, check if your virus protection is being "Too-Protective".
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
@fadingbang Sometimes Virus Protection apps will go wild on unrecognized links, downloads and more.
Unrelated but sort of aligning with this, since the LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) Server Connection to Home is different than most games. Upon updates Norton will not allow connection until I validate it.
Case in point, check if your virus protection is being "Too-Protective".
I was thinking that too but after pulling out it off quarantine and using it in photoshop it again got flagged
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Google for "jpegtran" and download it.
Extract it somewhere, copy your file there.
Open console then type
jpegtran -copy none yourflaggedimage.jpg newnameimage.jpg
and press enter.
This will remove any nonimage data from file. Scan newnameimage.jpg again. If av still flag it send it to mcafee support then it's 140% false positive.

Don't resave flagged image in photoshop or any other image editor since most (all?) of them will copy all nonimage data to new file.
Last edited:
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
Google for "jpegtran" and download it.
Extract it somewhere, copy your file there.
Open console then type
jpegtran -copy none yourflaggedimage.jpg newnameimage.jpg
and press enter.
This will remove any nonimage data from file. Scan newnameimage.jpg again. If av still flag it send it to mcafee support then it's 140% false positive.

Don't resave flagged image in photoshop or any other image editor since most (all?) of them will copy all nonimage data to new file.
Thanks I really needed such advice
I will close this thread if this is successful
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
Well I have replicated the virus error for now
One thing is noticed is that this didn't happened when I used Brave Browser, so maybe it's because of Microsoft Edge Virus detection not McAfee

Yuri Enjoyer
Feb 16, 2020
The solution is to use a better antivirus at this point.

There’s no such thing as viruses embedded inside image files.
It is possible to bait some bad AVs with suspicious metadata, but that doesn’t make it a virus, it merely triggers a very bad AV engine.

Still unexplainable why anyone would give their money to McAffee in 2023.
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2023
The solution is to use a better antivirus at this point.

There’s no such thing as viruses embedded inside image files.
It is possible to bait some bad AVs with suspicious metadata, but that doesn’t make it a virus, it merely triggers a very bad AV engine.

Still unexplainable why anyone would give their money to McAffee in 2023.
It's was OEM installed with one year subscription so I didn't bought a separate one and was waiting for the subscription to end for buying a new one (my PC is still less than 1 year old)

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