Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Country of Flowers

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
why not help the brother, or he was just crazy and not enchanted.
Aggregator gang
Aug 10, 2018
this manga remind me of Mushishi series, sometimes it can get wholesome, sometimes it can have bittersweet ending, and sometimes it can have tragic twist ending like this. I love it!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
That's rough. It makes me wonder how exactly the victim goes out.
That husk of a body shows a bit of pain in its expression, though that could just be the flower's way of collecting water.

Kinda reminds me of Anthophobia.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2018
I just realize its has tabi-tabi in it name...
now all seems understandable why she just watch and did not try to help those sibling at first encounter.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@shyevsa whats the tabi tabi supposed to mean? coz it looked like she didnt give a flying fuck about them, but in the 1st chapter she was cool with the chick that literally wanted to trap her, so im honestly confused about her personality now
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2018
@Hollow7F no deeper meaning, I was referencing to Kino no Tabi. the MC just want to wander around and let the country just do their thing (read: as long as it don't kill me just do as you wish).
Its kind of mindset where you just a passing someone and don't want to had any responsibility over someone else fate.
Active member
Sep 15, 2018
Dark, as the description said

Compared to the colorful first chapter, this is a sudden turn lmfao I like it
Double-page supporter
Feb 28, 2018
so its one of those stories....ill pass, if she didnt run away from her or didnt wait a day she might still be alive
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2018
Dark huh...
Now this is one hella dark
Didn't expect it to come around fast
But nice
May 4, 2018
You guys are such a wuss to drop Elaina's journey just because this chapter. IIRC, this episode fall short to the oncoming ones or more like a warm ups; there are alot of her future journeys which will feature much darker and grim stories. Don't believe me? Just read the novel!
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
so... she was fine.... although her mind was already poisoned.... if Elana was smarter she should have come there and rescue the girl and burn the whole field down? or it was already too late

anyway....the MC is a stone cold bitch lol
she basically doomed 1 girl and 1 guy to their death because she think "its not my problem and the guy was being annoying" well its probably me being negative about it tho
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@izayamikaelis well first, yeah is NOT her problem, two, both of them were very very weird and hard to deal with... so more reasons to stay away and third, she didn't know about the curse and all the details surrounding it, gathering information is the first thing you would do in this cases right? lastly, the fact that the flower field kills her in one night was of course not the MC fault (she came back right? and she wanted to help but there wasn't time)... The only one at fault was the sick siscom brother who decided to kidnap his own sister.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Tabi (旅) means travel, trip, or journey. Tabitabi is simply "tabi" repeated twice for poetic purposes. Think of it as "multiple trips/journeys". If you remember, the first chapter was a trip to the Country of Magicians, while this chapter is about a trip to the Country of Flowers. So this story isn't about a single journey towards a final goal, it's about many different journeys that she'll undertake.

It doesn't really explain anything about the character, other than that she likes travelling a lot.

As for why she chose not to help the brother: she had no emotional attachment to him, and thus literally no reason to help.
Her first impression of him was that he's an asshole, so she had no intention of helping him in the first place. She got a bad conscience when she realized what had happened, and when she saw the two finally reunited, she probably imagined it'd be pointless to help him now. His sister's dead, which would probably drive him insane even if she cured him.

The Eastern girl was a different case. At least she made it look like an accident, and she was probably the only person to treat her nicely. And since Elaina agreed to teach her, the distance between them gradually shortened, to the point where Elaina could forgive her for stealing her brooch.

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