@Misiakk: Found the Nazi. Funny how you ghouls love mango so much.
Also lul, literally perpetuating the Hololololdomor-myth. There were several famines in Ukraine, most famously 1932, which had an affected area deep into Khazakhstan. But the causes were natural for the most part. And I say "most" because the Kulaks (rich peasants) literally destroyed food and killed cattle in their resistance of collectivization. Making the famine so much worse.
The worst was only prevented by the reallocation of grain southwards.
They did so too in the previous famines, no collectivization was enforced then. The third time the army was sent. And it worked, from then on the USSR was on the way of defeating famine. From 1949 to 1991 there was no famine anywhere in the USSR. Of course, capitalism then ruined that track record.😀