War's Unwomanly Face

May 25, 2019
Wow I don't know why the author give soviet soldier more credit than they should, I remember when I watch documentary about WW 2 that soviet soldiers acted like animals and barbarian than soldier would. Their officers and commissars doesn't give a damn if their soldiers raping and sexually abused women they liberated from German Nazi hell even their own soviet women are abused too. Nazi is worse for massacring the Jews but they have more self control about how they treat the civilians. They have strict rules and will be shot if they violate it.
Group Leader
Jan 4, 2019
Not to mention her book was composed of interviews she made from the late 70s till 1983. It was pretty revolutionary if not bold for Alexievich to write about an untold side of the "Great Patriot War".
Apr 8, 2018
Reading this comment section makes me get headache lol.

The Soviets indeed was committing crimes as they advanced through the Germany because of their feeling of hatred and revenge (but remember this is not a justification of their actions, no matter what their reasons were, it was wrong to do such acts). But unlike the Germans, the Soviet military command did not turn blind in this phenomenon, they tried to maintain discipline among the troops, although i doubt they were successful. One example was Rokossovsky issued an order to execute the troops if they were found out to do criminal acts toward civilian (my source is Soviet Storm, this documentary was written by leading Russian historian, Alexey Isaev)

But someone here said the Germans were better at treating civilians, and this statement was entirely wrong. Just look at the number of populations in major Soviet cities that occupied by the Germans pre war and after the liberation and compared it. The number of populations declined greatly, thanks to Germans. They did many atrocities in occupied area, especially in the Eastern Europe, such as killing the civilians especially jewish populations, burning houses, stealing crops, hanging the civilian etc. One of the best examples is Stalingrad, they put thousand civilian and PoW in a place where only accomodate few people, they didn't give food and cloth to them. Not only that in 23rd August, the major bombing in Stalingrad was conducted by 4th Luftflotte was aimed at civilian buildings, not the factory and plant complex (just watch TIK's video).

So, in Axis-Soviet War, both sides were not innocent, and both committed atrocities.

Svetlana just wanted to write women veteran's experiences in this war, and showed that war is hell, even more for women.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 8, 2019
Well said. I can't speak for the author herself, being an American guy, but I get the feeling that she wasn't trying to absolve the women in these stories nor blame them for their horrible actions (If they did any) but show the truth of what happened; whether good or bad. This book seems to be more of an exploration of how war damages people than anything else.

We get to see just how much they suffered in what was a tragedy that should never have happened but did due to the desires of a few horrible people. And how these women still now have to live with the emotional and mental scars of this conflict. That one tale of the woman feeling happy at the sound of German bones and skulls breaking still gives me the chills.
Aug 28, 2020
USSR wanted german as an ally? what kind of propaganda are you watching? To be fair the Soviet had suffered 2 german invasion in the span of 3 decades. The soviet wanted german to be obedient and broken (as a puppet or otherwise). The western power on the other hand actually wanted to build germany as a meatshield. Proof? Just take a look. which was better off? West Germany or the East? So many people were migrating to the west Berlin that they had to build a wall and close border with West Germany. Also also blaming poles and czechs on soviet war crimes is just sad. Open any history book and you will see it was the soviet who did it. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that all soviet soldiers were monster or something like that. But they are far from a good behaving army.
Feb 23, 2020
Yet another wall of text... I really need to learn to keep myself shorter.
Let me guess, you're from the US? Or poland?
Fact is, the Soviets rearmed German militias in the late 40s, and offered to withdraw all troops in 1951, with the only condition being that the other allies do the same, and Germany agree to never join either Nato or Warsaw pact. How'd that make any sense if they wanted Germany as a broken puppet? How'd that make sense if they'd had to be afraid Germans would revolt and take revenge for war crimes?
Now, if they'd refused every suggestion about giving Germany back any freedom, tried to stop Germany from rearming as long as possible, then tried to limit them to their own obsolete surplus, kept their armies here for decades even after the end of the cold war, and then had the gall to call it "protection"...

unlike the Germans, the Soviet military command did not turn blind
Germans enforced death sentences for any crimes against civilians or POWs from the beginning. Just like the soviets did later on. The only two armies to do so in WW2 btw.
One of the best examples is Stalingrad
Yes, because not being able to provide for POWs and civilians during a siege and countersiege, where your own troops are starving just as much means anything...
23rd August, the major bombing in Stalingrad was conducted by 4th Luftflotte was aimed at civilian buildings, not the factory and plant complex
Sophistry. If enemy troops use civilian buildings as anything other than (marked and undefended) field hospitals, those buildings are valid targets. Just like civilians supporting combatants in combat become combatants themselves.
hanging the civilians
Civilians, or captured partisans fighting in civilian clothing? One's a war crime, one isn't. Guess which one the German reports claimed?
The number of populations declined greatly, thanks to Germans.
You could also blame the soviet counterattack. Or aliens. But the simple truth is that due to the war going on and farmers abandoning their fields, the harvest was far smaller than usual and was not distributed well, leading to hunger and starvation. Germany had the same problem in 45-46.
So, in Axis-Soviet War, both sides were not innocent, and both committed atrocities.
Finally something I can agree with. But there were not nearly as many atrocities, on either side, as enemy propaganda claimed.
You'd probably do well to read some wartime German propaganda. The stuff about hundreds of women being skinned alive, nailed to crosses and raped by Russians. If that seems unbelievable to you (as it should, as there's no proof), compare it with the Russian propaganda you've apparently read so far. It's the same shit, just in a different language.
Then, if you want to be really heretical, read German reports from the eastern front. Once you've read the fifth or sixth report of polish children being used as suicide bombers by the home army, Germans shooting kids for running towards them will sound completely different.
Or, if you prefer jap cartoons, read Schäferhund. It's the same stuff as German veterans would tell you, except that it's all cute girls.
Aug 28, 2020

Wall of text ahead

about the soviet wanted the germany broken. It wasn't my words. It was a historian's word (Can't remember his name). And i took a look at german's militia thingies and the closest thing I found was Working Class Combat Group(formed in 1953) filled with communist hardliners which was used to put down civil unrest i.e. keeping german population obedient and preventing revolts (just as I stated before, Soviet wanted german as an obedient puppet)(source: The East German Army, by Thomas M Forster, George Allen & Unwain LTD).

Also , Soviet pushed german reunification UNDER communist government (an offer which they knew the west will refuse). Going as far as the whole Berlin Blockade fiasco. Also also, Soviet wasn't the only one who armed the germans. Bundehswehr is a thing too, you know?

Now that i believe i have addressed all of your pointz, I'm going to wait for your answer about my previous questions. Like, if the soviet cared so much about the germans? Why did so many escape to the west? And to add to that question why did the ENTIRE GDR politburo vote their stalinist chairman out of the party and decided to do the reunification under the Federal Republic of Germany?(source: The Rise and Fall of a Socialist Welfare State: The German Democratic Republic (1949–1990) and German Unification (1989–1994 ) by Springer Science & Business Media). Surely if you what you said is true, that soviet cared more about the germans than the west, the german would've stayed loyal to the soviet right?

And about polish and czech who did most of the war crimes, you got any proof to back that up? Quotations from history books maybe? Or did you just make that up?

P.s.: some credible history books to back up your claim would also be nice.
And I'm an asian so forgive me for my butchered english.
Apr 8, 2018
okay i was responding to your comment, because you stated that this book is clearly "Soviet propaganda" meanwhile in this chapter showed clearly how hard she tried to publish her books, because it's contrary with Soviet narration on The Great Patriotic War. The Soviet government clearly didn't want her book to be published.

Can you show me what order from OKH issued for soldiers to not do anything harm toward civilians ?

I mean just look at the content of Hitler's Mein Kampf, he clearly wanted to exploit the Soviet Union and to enslave their people.

They treated the Soviet PoW in begining of the war badly, they didn't give them food, shelter and anything. The German Command even issued a Comissar Order.

Even Soviet treatment toward German PoW, especially German High Ranking General were far better. Just look at TIK's video regarding my statement. Soviet PoW death rate in German hand was higher than German PoW in Soviet hand (iirc the percentage was ~30%, i forgot the percentage for the former statement).

The axis PoW in Soviet Union was indeed used as labour in constructing their ruined cities, but they got ration and payment (although in small number), unlike what German did, who just let the Soviet PoW died in the open field. Only did they use the Soviet PoW when the German figured out that they could use them for labour, such as Hiwies.

I chose Stalingrad as an example because there were no SS troops there, to show the Wehrmacht's atrocities . And they did atrocities during the early Fall Blau Campaign. Even Paulus admitted that as a Commander of 6th Army that their army was responsible for their crimes did toward the Soviet people.

Regarding the bombing campaign launched by the 4th Luftflotte in 23rd of August 1942, The 62nd and 64th army was still fighting outside the city, many civilians were killed, and combined with poor Soviet evacuation, the population was killed by the bombing campaign. And just looking at the early goals of Fall Blau campaign, occupying the city is not that important. So your argument that bombing the civilian building as the Soviet Army cover is weak, they should bombed the plant and factory complex, then if the battle was raging in the civilian building then it could be effective.

In my opinion, what the Germans did in this bombing campaign was terrible acts toward civilian and counterproductive, because thanks to the ruin, it could be Soviet strong hold, and theit pilots couldn't differentiate between the enemy and allies in the ruins when the battle was raging inside the city. If they wanted to bomb civilian buildings, they should have done it after the Soviet army used it as cover, not when the Soviet army still fighting outside the city.

About the city population, yes there were many factors, such as evacuation etc. but maany of them were either transported to Germany labour camp or were simply killed, many first hand account confirmed this.

They clearly killed and hanged the civilians, not only the partisan. Heck they even shot Polish woman who tried to give milk to PoW.

I never said that we should not use the German sources or report, but we used it with Soviet sources as well to get a clearer and better picture of it. We need to interpret it, and debate the arguments so we can get the answer that closer to the truth. And using propaganda is not good for finding the truth. You can watch SandRhoman History video about The Veto Power of Sources.

In this war, thanks to The Cold War, narration in this subject was heavily biased, where in the West, many used German accounts and formal German generals Memoirs (memoirs generally are bad for sources because their limited perspective). So they portrayed themselves as capable soldiers, and portrayed Soviet badly, to undermine german crimes, and the German generals tried to whitewash their crimes and put everything to blame on Hitler. Meanwhile in the Soviet, many censorship happened especially the statistics, and they exaggerated the CPSU roles in this war.

Okay enough, i don't want to discuss anymore.

Let us just read this series, and feel what Soviet Women felt in this war. I hope by reading this we can realize that war must be avoided at any cost, so their suffering won't be repeated again in the future.

note: this book was not a propaganda, in fact this book was clearly criticized Soviet narration of The Great Patriotic War.[spoiler/]
Feb 23, 2020
Kinda hard to find "credible history books" to back up anything, since the definition of "credible" changes so much between people. For example, anything printed by Springer would get you laughed at in Germany, as they have repeatedly been proven to forge sources (Source: Günther Wallraff, and the ensuing court proceedings). Especially with regards to communists, as Springer was an anti-communist hardliner. Yet you proudly give them as a source.
Besides, I doubt German books would mean anything to you in the first place, so I'll stick to Wikipedia as much as possible:
-Stalin's offer to retreat from Germany, as long as Germany would be neutral:
-Soviets arming German militias immediately:
Unlike what english Wiki suggests, these were not only police in the modern sense. Starting from the Weimar Republic, German police had units called Sicherheitspolizei ("Kasernierte Volkspolizei" later on). These had grenades, light tanks, bodyarmour and machineguns available. The russians rearmed them in 45, while the western allies dissolved them. The Bundeswehr was only formed ten years later, during the cold war, when the US got the idea to use Germany as a bridgehead against Russia.
Btw, claiming the combat groups were full of "Communist hardliner" is pretty funny, considering that only about half were even in the socialist party. A prime example for how some "historians" warp reality.

As for relations between Germans and Russians, you seem not to get that I'm talking about the war and right after. Not the 50s, and especially not 1988/89. By then things had changed a lot, due to both the shortcomings of socialism and western embargoes and sabotage.
But if you want to consider such a long time frame, why not take it a step further? Starting from ~1995, eastern germans have mostly voted for either socialists (DKP, Die Linke) or nationalists (Republikaner, AFD). Source: official german vote results. Know what these have in common? Wanting to throw out the Americans and ally with Russia. And, both in direct conversation and online, the main reason you'll hear is that things were better in the DDR.

Also, as to why Germans wanted the Russians out: Why not? This is our country, after all. Most of us, myself included, want the US troops gone just as much.

As for partisan war crimes attributed to soviets nowadays, just read whatever primary sources you trust. Both the Wehrmachtsbericht and the corresponding soviet propaganda (well, at least the German translations I've seen) consistently blame "Partisanen", which is the German term for local guerillafighters, as opposed to non-local guerillas, which'd be "Jäger". Same with any autobiography from the period I've read, though I can't recall any names other than v. Salomon (who's most likely biased, as he fought the Poles in '21 and witnessed their genocide of the Walddeutsche) right now.
Same with contemporary Czech sources, like for example Edvard Beneš or Sergej Ingr (both members of the czech exile government=, who openly boasted about their supporters massacring german civilians. This is one thing I can't give an English source for, as even Wiki doesn't seem to have any. But with how active slav nationalists are online, that shouldn't be much of a surprise. So here's a german secondary source (including quotes from multiple primary sources), from the one nation-wide German newspaper that has never been forced to print a "correction" (which under German law, any media has to do if somebody they report on complains and the paper can't prove that their claims are true): https://jungefreiheit.de/wissen/geschichte/2020/toetet-sie-lasst-niemanden-am-leben/

If you have some older books available (I've got West-German high school history books from the 20s, 50s, 70s and 80s for example), you'll see that the Russians only start being blamed during the cold war. Which is why, as I think I said before, you should forget about "history books" when it comes to recent history. Talk to people who've been there if you can, or read primary sources. That'll give you a completely different image than some censored propaganda aimed at high schoolers or students.
If you're from east or south Asia (other than Japan), you'd probably be best of comparing communist books from your homeland (which'll likely be pro-soviet) and "credible" American books from before 1990 (which'll be biased against Russia).

Anyways, I think I've answered all your counterquestions. With this, I'm out, as my knowledge is mostly limited to the 1919-1952 period. If you want to discuss later events, I suggest you find somebody who knows more about them than I do.

kek... You know, I actually fell for your troll. Well, until the third paragraph, that is, since from there on, that text seems extremely familiar. Didn't think there were any /polacks still continuing this game.
In retrospect, I guess your name should have ticked me off. If you show on the next meetup, I'll bake you some nice, /kommando approved brownies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
>Junge Freiheit

Looking it up on Wikipedia, it seems to be an ultraright nationalist publication. For the rest of you reading, keep that in mind when you evaluate its claims.
Aug 28, 2020
To quote from the wiki article you listed. "The Stalin notes can be seen as a way of drawing out the propaganda efforts of East Germany so that the reunification would fail"
Which to be honest is probably true.
Soviet already had already turned all of balkan states (except yugoslavia because of chas tito) into satelites. Why stop there?

And about springer i didn't know if it was unreliable so i'll take your word for it.

And regarding volkspolizei, quoted from the article you sourced
"Recruitment to the Volkspolizei required at least ten years of education, vocational training (see education in East Germany), military service, and a history of political loyalty." Note the phrase political loyalty. Also from the same article: "as a consequence, 86% of its membership were now members of the ruling Socialist Unity Party of Germany." Yeah, pretty much communist sympathizers or even hardliners.

And I might oversimplify this but the west-east relation post WW2 isn't much different with the 50s. The tension grew but both side's endgoal is the same from the beginning

Also the combat group. "only half of them were in the socialist party". Imagine if half of the wehrmacht was in the Nazi party. I don't want to imagine what would happen to those who lived under german occupation.

And why go as far as 1995? The soviet union already disintegrated at that point making this petty argument irrelevant.

And I believe seeing how popular the americans are at germany, I think they'd rather to ally America. Otherwise they'd have ditched nato a long time ago.

And again you said that DDR is better the FRG. Then why build a wall and stop people from migrating to FDR(which numbers in tens of thousands before they close the border)? Surely people would rather stay in the DDR?

And im not talking about the 80s either. Berlin wall was built in the 60s.

Also taking history books from my country as a source is a bad idea. I could go to the bookstore and buy Mein Kampf from the front racks (I did and it cost me 9$. Pretty cheap huh?). But if they caught me with any kind of communist smelling book, I would be in nothing but a world of trouble with potential charges against me(just like what will happen to you if you are caught reading Mein Kampf in public in germany). So yeah, considering the bias against communism in my country, not a good idea at all.

Also also if the Soviet weren't known for its warcrimes until the coldwar why did so many people and soldiers would rather to surrender to the west rathe than soviet? The most famous case is when the 12th army,disregarding hitler's order, broke through soviet encirclement (bringing thousands of civillians with them) and linked with the 9th to surrender to the west. Why went through so much trouble if the soviet wasn't as bad as people thought?

And forgetting about history books is kinda a bad idea you know? You know that history is written by the victor is utter bullshit right? It's not that easy to get history book published. Peer review and yada yada.
Feb 23, 2020
We're moving in circles. If you think that secondary interpretations are more believable than primary sources, there's no way I can prove you wrong - just like I couldn't disprove the devil's existence.
You know, so far I assumed you were just misled by onesided sources. But it seems you're actually falling for outright lies:
what will happen to you if you are caught reading Mein Kampf in public in germany
Nothing. There are no restrictions on that book. In fact, the only restrictions ANY book can have in Germany is whether it can be sold to minors - and as Mein Kampf is neither porn, nor encouraging drugs use, it's not restricted at all.
seeing how popular the americans are at germany
Another prime example for propaganda. I live in Germany, am German, and have lived in different parts over the years. The US are hated everywhere - by the leftists for supporting Israel, by the rightwingers for not withdrawing their troops, and by the average citizen because the media tells them that Trump is bad (and before, told them that Obama was incompetent, and that Bush ordered warcrimes). Around Ramstein, it goes to the point where youths (Germans and Turks, mostly) will actively "hunt" off-duty american soldiers, knowing full well that they won't report it. I've seen dozens of videos of this (as has probably any other dude who's lived there for a while). But I guess, I should trust some American newspaper telling me how much we all love them instead, right?

Honestly, your indoctrination seems to go way past even what I'd expect from somebody from a country where
if they caught me with any kind of communist smelling book, I would be in nothing but a world of trouble with potential charges against me
Has it never occurred to you that you're just getting a very one-sided view?

/rant. now for the few semi-logical arguments you had

And im not talking about the 80s either
Is that why you use things that happened in 89 as arguments? Quote:
why did the ENTIRE GDR politburo vote their stalinist chairman out of the party and decided to do the reunification under the Federal Republic of Germany?

Also also if the Soviet weren't known for its warcrimes until the coldwar why did so many people and soldiers would rather to surrender to the west rathe than soviet?
Fear of deportation, plain and simple. It was well-known that the soviets would put them into siberian gulags, while the American hunger camps and summary executions hadn't happened yet. Perhaps the experiences with polish and baltic communist's genocide of the germans there (inb4 Source: v. Salomon and a bunch of Freikorps men I don't remember by name) might have played a role too.

But if you like baseless speculations so much: If the soviets committed so many warcrimes, why did only 200k German soldiers "disappear" after surrendering to them? Especially considering that 1,2 million "disappeared" after surrendering to the Americans?

It's not that easy to get history book published. Peer review and yada yada.
Are you joking? There's literally a "credible history book" out there that claims that all Germans that lived from 800 to 1945 were in a conspiracy to exterminate the jews. Goldhagen's "Hitler's willing Executioners", if you're interested.
As in all Science: If there's no proof for a claim, disregard it.
Some historian making claims based of wartime propaganda is about as believable as Iranian historians writing about the wooden doors of Auschwitz - and yes, they also undergo peer-review. They just choose peers that agree with them.

ultraright nationalist publication
A bit exaggerated (they're about as "ultraright nationalist" as the republican party in the US), but not to far off. Doesn't change the fact that this newspaper has never had to print a correction (Source: Deutscher Presserat), which by German law can be demanded by anybody, as long as they can prove the contents of a newspaper wrong. If that's not a credible source, what is?
You shouldn't disregard them just because some anon on Wikipedia calls them nazis. Or do you disregard Wikipedia because your 5th grade science teacher told you anybody could edit it?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020

Key word there is "demand." I suppose it's possible that the Junge Freiheit is some immaculate exemplar of journalistic integrity...or it's simply that nobody finds it really worth the effort to levy a complaint against them, or that the people who might aren't aware of them. For instance, the article from them you posted accused Czechoslovakians of riots, mob violence, etc. against Germans in the wake of WWII. The people who would have a vested interest combating such narratives would be...Czechoslovakians. But I somehow doubt the Junge Freiheit has a significant number of Czechoslovakian readers. So in this case, the story they're pushing would go unchallenged. There's also the stringency of the standards for correction--an article can post something that's incomplete or embellished, or misleading in a certain way, but that's different from actually being straight-up *wrong.* For instance, your article claims "only a small minority of Czechs" actively resisted the Germans. If that were false, Junge Freiheit wouldn't be liable, because they could just say they were only quoting a historian (Radomir Luza), and that any complaints ought to be brought to him.

Would I disregard Wikipedia entirely? No, but I'd certainly look it over pretty carefully. If I was reading an article and the footnotes suddenly disappeared, I might hesitate a bit before linking it to someone because there might've been edit wars going on. By the same token, I wouldn't exactly rush to believe a far-right German publication calling Czechoslovakians "beasts" even if it's evaded the probing eye of libel legislation so far.

In any case, just as a general point, you're right when you say to @YaBoiAstros that primary sources are important, the problem is that those primary sources have to be at least somewhat reliable. To take another example from this very manga, Svetlana Alexieovich is an actual historian/journalist who's attached her real name and identity to the interviews she did--if she was lying about what her interviewees said (that is to say, her primary sources) any of them could have sued her, the community of historians would have ostracized her, etc. Indeed, her identity as a Belorussian is something we can verify. Your 'primary sources' on the other hand are a great deal more suspect. You, like me and him, are just an anonymous guy on the Internet. How do we know the horror stories your "relatives" told about Americans, like machine-gunning kindergartners, weren't just made up? Hell, how do we know you're even actually German? All we have to go on is your word. So it's not like Astros is being at all unwise to be at least a little suspicious of your claims.
Aug 28, 2020
Ah about that mein kampf thing, I just assumed it would be illegal seeing how hard Germany crackdowns on neo nazis.

Oh and by popular I don't mean like popular in a traditional sense. US is hated in most part of the world, the west or the east. By popular, i meant it as a preferable alternative to be occupied by than the soviet.

Btw my obvious dislike with communism didn't come from indoctrination from like what you expected. I was one of those cringe tankies who fought on the internet over anything to spread the good words.

Yeah the 80s thing was a mistake on my part.

Genuine question, only 200.000 died? Even the official soviet records said that 381.000 died. And western sources claimed the number as high as 1 million.

And how did 1.2 millions disappeared in the US when they only took 425.000 POWs
You are just as biased as I am pal.

About the book you mentioned, I haven't read it yet so i can't speak much about it. But my rule of thumb in reading history books is to stay away from revisionist as far as possible. Because I'm sure we can agree that most revisionist is far from reliable.

To add about primary sources: primary sources are definitely the best source of information. But they just aren't as widely available nor easy to obtain. Especially if you live half a world away. Also I don't speak german so to me your primary sources are nothing but a wall of text I can't even read. Call that self centered but I can't believe anything I can't read and understand.
Feb 23, 2020
So just when I figured it wasn't worth arguing on here, I get a (more or less) objective answer - guess there goes my break.
I suppose it's possible that the Junge Freiheit is some immaculate exemplar of journalistic integrity...or it's simply that nobody finds it really worth the effort to levy a complaint against them, or that the people who might aren't aware of them.
Yeah, I guess if you're not German, or uninterested in politics, that might all seem possible. If you do look for it though, you'll find them constantly challenged by everything from center-right sources (Zeit) over center-left (FAZ) and leftwingextremists (indymedia). So far, they have always been able to prove the claims they were challenged on.
And if you ignore the commentaries, they're actually the most objective newspaper I've read so far. Where other papers push their narrative through lies, leading questions or subjective choice of words, the JF does it solely by choosing what to report on and what to ignore (which is still a bias of course, but far preferable to the constant cycle lies and corrections most other german papers publish).
I somehow doubt the Junge Freiheit has a significant number of Czechoslovakian readers.
You're probably right. I gave the JF as a source because I understand what they write, but if you want a primary source, there's several Czech initiatives trying to keep the Czech warcrimes remembered. For example, the city council of Brno (Brünn) built a memorial for the German civilians massacred there and hosts a "memorial march" following the escape route of the survivors every year. As I don't speak Czech though, you'll have to find the primary sources yourself. I could give secondary german sources, but most of those would be either the JF or some small-time regional paper.
far-right German publication calling Czechoslovakians "beasts"
The German article I linked didn't contain anything like that. The closest thing is that it called burning civilians alive a "bestiality". Probably a mistranslation on your part.
Hell, how do we know you're even actually German?
How about ÜÖÄüöäß? Guess that's the only way I can prove it unless somebody else here speaks fluent german - but then, that might just be me with another account, oder? (inb4 upload ID - I don't want to lose my job or get my car burned.)
But for fun, what nationality do you think I am? Russian, for defending the soviets a bit? Or American, for calling out an obvious Russian troll? Or Jewish, for playing both sides?
told about Americans, like machine-gunning kindergartners
It's public knowledge that the Americans executed children and teens for supposedly being with the Werwolf. Didn't think anybody would not know about that. Some cases, like Heinz Petry (16 at his execution), became well-known, others, like the ones I mentioned, are the kind of thing some grandpa will tell you after the third beer, and would never mention in public for fear of repercussions.
I can understand that you'd doubt it - but I can't understand why people would doubt this, yet believe the "mongolian soviets ate my baby" stories without question. Which was my original plan of argument, except that nobody called me out on it so far.
it's not like Astros is being at all unwise to be at least a little suspicious of your claims.
Yes, absolutely. I never claimed he was. What I did claim is that he shouldn't blindly believe history books, especially not when they're clearly biased, and worse than that, he only has access to one side's bias. If he's doubting me, that's a good start - now he only needs to start doubting everybody else too, and soon enough, he'll arrive at the same conclusions I did.

Same to you, btw - you're doubting the JF, because it's nationalist and German: But are you doubting your (probably) west-aligned school history book because it's issued by a (most likely) Nato state? If not, why?

Genuine question, only 200.000 died? Even the official soviet records said that 381.000 died. And western sources claimed the number as high as 1 million.
The "more than 1 million" is an old, pre'89 estimate based on how many people the Americans admitted died in their camps, and how many were missing despite not having been missing at the time of surrender. I don't think I've ever read that in any book written after the 90s.
The number I mentioned is based on the ~1,4 million that disappeared after the surrender (not reported MIA or dead before, but never came home - source: German Red Cross), divided by whether their units surrendered to the Soviets or the west (which gathered all POWs in camps controlled by the Americans). Can't recall who did the exact math rn, but I remember checking random examples against the official list.
Several Historians, for example James Baque or Willi Griesheimer, reached similiar numbers, while others claim that only 5000 died, without giving any explanation for the remainder. Tellingly though, the German government is refusing requests for archeological research in the areas where witnesses claim the mass graves were, despite these areas being worthless fields and meadows nowadays. I can only think of one reason they'd do that.

As for the official soviet records, iirc they did not make a difference between soldiers and civilians, or country of origin. That drives numbers up, but makes them harder to check, as there's no way to know just how many civilians were imprisoned, or died in bombings. For soldiers on the other hand, everything is documented up until the surrender, and if somebody was present then (and thus became POW), but never left the camps (=returned home - as the Americans did not keep books, that's the closest you can get), he must have died there. Same logic as used for calculating the deaths in the KZs.

And how did 1.2 millions disappeared in the US when they only took 425.000 POWs
That's a misunderstanding. I was speaking of American camps (as in, camps under American control) not camps located in the US. They built camps along the Rhine ("Rheinwiesenlager"), where they kept POWs at first. Officially, these had 1-2 million of inmates (at a time, with people constantly being brought in or out).

If you want some (biased, but source-quoting) info on the American prison camps, there's a German site collecting witness testimonies (including some from American veterans) and historic assessments:
Another interesting source on this is the autobiography of v. Salomon (who was among the civilians imprisoned). The Questionaire, to be specific, as he's written two more parts on the 1920s. Though I should probably warn you that it also contains sections on Nazis being tortured and blackmailed into signing pre-written confessions regarding the holocaust, so it might get you into trouble depending on where you live.
I'm sure we can agree that most revisionist is far from reliable.
Depends. I've made the experience that (educated) revisionists will research far more in depth, as they know that they'll face opposition. You should obviously check their sources, but listening to what they have to say is usually worth it. Take the ww1 Franctireurs, for example - everybody agreed they never existed until three years ago (and most english books still do), yet the revisionists claiming different could prove they were right.
I don't speak german so to me your primary sources are nothing but a wall of text I can't even read.
Figured. That's why I gave so few German sources (and now have another guy doubting I'm German...). Makes it kinda hard to argue though, as most of the formal sources I'm basing my opinion on are older German history books (Or more precisely, how little they agree with each other, depending on when and where they were written) and reprints of primary sources. And of course the kind of tales older people tell (or used to - most of them are dead by now), though those should obviously be doubted unless they match up with other sources.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
>Nazis being tortured and blackmailed into signing pre-written confessions regarding the holocaust

Yyyyyyeah, I suppose it isn't worth arguing on here after all. For the other folks in the thread, my bad for continuing to engage, I shoulda dropped this conversation a while ago. Sorry for the distraction guys.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 8, 2019
Wow. I know its to be expected, but its still surprising to see a review page of a manga turning into a comment war over politics and ww2 war crimes.

The sad fact is we will probably never find out the full truth as its buried under multiple versions of propaganda and hearsay from all combatants in ww2 which has been further muddied by the Cold War and the crazy propaganda that came out from that time.
Sep 29, 2018
Junge Freiheit is basically of the leftmost wing of the AfD, no idea if you lied about it maliciously or if you made an honest mistake, I can't be bothered to read your other posts to find out where your biases lie and don't really care, but it's very far from ultra anything or extreme.
In most countries it'd be part of the centre right and honestly a bit too cucked for my tastes.

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