Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja nai - Vol. 6 Ch. 30 - Summer Festival (1)

Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2020
I don't know if it's just me but the mood difference between the usual over the top hijinks at school and the cute and soft-spoken relationship with Rin just feels a bit jarring. Maybe it's because of that but the relationship feels kind of fragile and it's difficult for me to fully get behind them and enjoy the fluff
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2023
This is the worst best Manga I've read. It's such a weird cluster fuck that I can't look away from. The beginning is weird, the middle was absolutely wild, we just had a "yuri as fuck" arc, and now I'm ready for another wild arc with this dodgeball.

Thanks for the translations!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2019
Personally I preferred the manga when it was harem. Reading the earlier chapters and then reading this it’s like a completely different continuity. All of the first girls into the MC just magically stopped being into her once the author decided Rin was their favorite. The literal first girl is now being shipped with someone else. That girl the MC basically fucked at the arcade? Gone. Not even part of the story anymore. It honestly feels like the mangaka just completely changed their mind on what they wanted the story and genre to even be halfway through. Or really more like 2/3rds if we’re really winding down like some think.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2019
Hm, Yomotsuka's team has more people, likely as a concession for having to pick second. I like that each classmate has name and their own visual identity (some more than others, but that sorta helps the more mob-like ones stand out).

I'm still fully on board for Toudou/Rin. It probably means Toudou'll repel other girls' advances with "I have a girlfriend" instead of "I'm not into yuri," which isn't an approach I've seen a harem manga take. Then again, Toudou's a pushover. As always, this manga can go in any direction and I'm here for it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2023
thanks for the translation!

excited to see where this arc leads! i imagine that rin will be on the offensive infront of the others during the training to try making it it known that itsumi is hers and hers only
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
There's always the possibility of polyamory.
Rin is not one to share a person's love. And taking into account her serious and mature character, she won't be very happy that Todou has intimate encounters and interactions with other girls. Which leads me to possibly breaking up with Todou as soon as she finds out.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
This manga is just pure bliss. I wonder if Toudou side will receive help from ghost girls seeing how she has a psychic girl on her team. :hearts:

Thank you for new chapter! :meguu:
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
I've said before and I'll say it again, I would love to see YayoixToudou but seeing how sweet and how changed the MC is when she's with Rin makes me like this ship too. While I love Yanagi's design and character I think me shipping her with the MC says more about me and my tastes in characters rather than what the MC deserves or is the best for the story. I think I will still enjoy seeing Yanagi and Toudou shenanigans but would be surprised if Toudou "initiates" like in the Karaoke chapter.

Can't wait to see what happens to this arc. LOL @ Toudou's reactions. Thanks for the chapter!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
Fuck, Prez, you can't just say amazing stuff like that in public :lewd:

Also, Loki and Mai, are they just aliens or demons or what? Cause Loki looks like if a stalking devout were anthropomorphised, and Mai's eyes are wild
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
As lovely as Rin is for her, she just invited Rin to flaunt herself in front of every other love interest. I think she could probably hold onto protag but the others probably won't take it laying down. Very excited for the drama.

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