Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja nai - Vol. 6 Ch. 30 - Summer Festival (1)

Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
Rin maybe have won Itsumi-bowl, but Yomotsuka was still the one to take her virginity, so who really won there?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
Rin maybe have won Itsumi-bowl, but Yomotsuka was still the one to take her virginity, so who really won there?
At this point, Rin.
It doesn't matter who took the first time, what matters is who will have the rest of her time. Or so from some shoujo, josei romace manga. And I firmly believe so. If in the end she's still with Rin, then it's Rin's victory.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2023
I'm starting to feel like this series could do with a character recap, it's getting a little difficult to keep track of everyone.
Oct 13, 2023
Thank you for your continued efforts in translating this manga! I'm really enjoying the relationship between Itsumi and Rin the most, they really seem meant for each other.

Looks like Rin's dream of having a serious dodgeball match with Itsumi will finally come true after all!
Group Leader
Apr 14, 2023
I would never begrudge someone not liking a character, a ship, a chapter or even a plot arc, and I'll admit that I didn't fully expect the developments with Rin to happen on this timescale either. But I’m not convinced these developments are happening too quickly.

Itsumi thought Rin was pretty cute in chapter 7 and almost went home with her then and there. She thought she could see herself being with Rin in chapter 14 if Rin were nicer to her. She said she would go on a date with Rin any time she was invited to in chapter 18. She was happy to be treated like she belonged to Rin in chapter 20. In a lot of ways, the Rin scenes in this and the previous chapter were just confirmations of the status quo established in chapter 25.

I'm not saying other characters haven't had their shippable moments with Itsumi, and more of that would be great. But Rin was introduced before either of the two other serious contenders, Yanagi and Kurohime, were; their interest in each other isn't a recent development. Itsumi has definitely shown interest in other girls before and in between these developments. It would feel at least just as forced, if not more by now, were she to forget Rin's many forceful advances whenever Rin's off-screen.

It'd be nice if Itsumi continued to get into sticky harem-y situations, not least of all because I think it could be really funny. I think it'd be fun if she and the Vice Prez were to kiss. It'd be nice to see Itsumi get her face caved in again, even if just with a dodgeball. And I'd love to see more consequences for Itsumi's previous liaisons. Mochi didn’t forget other girls like her; Kurohime's most recent advances came post-chapter 25.

I do think this series reads differently now from what it started out as, and although that's been the case since around chapter 14 or 16 (and although I personally have enjoyed the growth), I really don't begrudge anyone disliking the direction the plot has gone. By now it's been clear Mochi intend to write a continuous story in this setting and not just a string of unconnected gag chapters. Whatever their plan is, and whether it's good or bad, we'll find out soon enough.
Sep 18, 2020
Itsumi isn't going to break Rin's heart. She's working really hard on becoming a better person for Rin. At most, someone will come on to Itsumi and Rin will misunderstand what's happening and get upset and they'll work things out and come out the other end more trusting of each other.
My worry is that she'll break Rin's heart accidentally - most likely because someone will decide to jump her, and she'll fail her "resist yuri temptation" saving throw . . . We know Itsumi is very weak to the right kind of manipulation and/or simple force of personality, even though she's amazingly tough in other ways - I could easily see her getting caught up and not realising the significance of what's happening until /after/ it's happened. Put Rin in the right place and time to catch her and it's going to hurt /badly/.

The big saving grace is probably that Rin knows Itsumi rather well, including her weaknesses - assuming there's an immediate acknowledgement and apology (rather than her usual weaselling) Rin would probably forgive her. But it'll still hurt, even if it doesn't end up causing them to break up; at least the experience might help Itsumi learn to resist that sort of thing better in the future.
Fed-Kun's army
May 17, 2023
Man, makes me wonder how the story is going to panned out. After all, it can be seen that some girls are still very interested Toudou.
Mar 24, 2019
Sad so many ships have sunk...but in their place, new ones have risen. I have seen the light: No longer must I suffer the pain of not knowing who the protagonist will pick. Now I will experience the joy of EVERYONE GETTING THEIR OWN SHIP!
Active member
Sep 26, 2023
Yet another W for my fellow hanei x todou enjoyers
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Apr 6, 2023
i think its Toudou love story is done now just relationship development. As for the other, now former love interest, I think/hope the author may be leaning into all of them getting their own relationships. Especially seeing as how its very obvious prez and Kouno are into each other.

Side note: I want an answer what happened with the two male teachers.
they probably do something the roman way
Jun 5, 2023
Toudou and Rin officially become an item, no question! They're super cute together. 🥰

And that sexual tension between rich girl Yomotsuka and yakuza girl Banryuu is very heated. I dig their dynamic too. 😉

Curious to see how this dodgeball game goes. And I'm surprised to see hot goth girl Yanagi is in it too! Looking forward to it.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
yup, it's over for everyone not named rin. i wanted shirashiro to win, but oh well. twas a good ride while it lasted

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