WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! - Ch. 222 - Since I'm Not Popular, It's a Live Concert (Part 1)

Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
He grabbed Yoshida's boobs - I think that's it.
I remember them interacting before that and they were always chills, always felt like them being friends on the side was going to be a plot point, with Komi something throwing a fit every time she saw them together.

I'm pretty sure there was stuff before the boob grab, but I agree that is when Yoshida went fully into thinking he was into her.

Actually, in retrospect of course Tomoki feels boring, everything happening around him is due to the girls completely misunderstanding him, my dude was downgraded from Tomoko tsundere young brother to cardboard cutout for the girls to act dumb.
He effectively has no character anymore because only what the girls imagine moves the plot.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
I would argue that the issue isn't Tomoki being boring, sure he's not exactly fun or interesting, but that isn't in itself a problem.

I feel that the biggest issue is that when it was with Tomoko she basically deserved all the cringe and suffering, because she was an asshole and kept putting her foot in her mouth all the time, she deserved whatever happened to her and that was literally part of the comedy.

Tomoki though? He literally just want to be left in peace, he rarely ever is an asshole and when he is the person even deserves it, all he wants is to be left alone without any weirdo harassing him.
That happening once in a while was fine, but it has been happening so much lately that it makes me feel like "just leave the poor man alone".

I feel that's the biggest reason why Sachi and Yoshida being interested in him grates me, Komi something and the other girl being obsessed with him was established from the beginning, but why do Sachi and Yoshida even like him? He barely ever paid attention to them, you can't even argue he's a generic "nice" dense character, because you can literally see he's just respectful but doesn't give a single fuck about any of them.

It feels like this happened because the author literally have no other male character to use, Mako x Yoshida and Sachi x Minami are arguably infinitely more established than him with the girls to boot, so it feels kinda of forced.
I do admit adding a new male character would have been worse though, I give the author that, but the harem shenanigans are already getting stale.

TL;DR Tomoko harem is more interesting than Tomoki harem and I need a better hobby than ranting here :notlikethis:

Agreed, especially the part about it's probably because he's the only male character they could use.
In lack of a better term, Tomoki is too much of a "normie" to be in his sister's universe and should be left alone as an unfortunate bystander / side character to her shenanigans as it was before.

Kiko (the cousin) and Emoji's dynamic was the best interaction I've read in a while.

I remember Nemo used to hang out with some guys in her circle before befriending Tomoko, but I guess the story has gone way too far to explore their development. Glasses Guy shows up once in a while but it's probably too late.
I'm also biased because I just really dislike Sachi. Her story with Minami just gives a toxic vibe to me and I honestly just skim through whenever they show up.

And no worries about the ranting :LOL: we're all just expressing out our frustration with the Tomoki/cultural festival arc. We have to get it out of our system and get ready for the next one. Ranting in the internet is a-ok (y)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Agreed, especially the part about it's probably because he's the only male character they could use.
In lack of a better term, Tomoki is too much of a "normie" to be in his sister's universe and should be left alone as an unfortunate bystander / side character to her shenanigans as it was before.

Kiko (the cousin) and Emoji's dynamic was the best interaction I've read in a while.

I remember Nemo used to hang out with some guys in her circle before befriending Tomoko, but I guess the story has gone way too far to explore their development. Glasses Guy shows up once in a while but it's probably too late.
I'm also biased because I just really dislike Sachi. Her story with Minami just gives a toxic vibe to me and I honestly just skim through whenever they show up.

And no worries about the ranting :LOL: we're all just expressing out our frustration with the Tomoki/cultural festival arc. We have to get it out of our system and get ready for the next one. Ranting in the internet is a-ok (y)
I wouldn't outright call him a normie, but by comparison he's definitely the only normal person there lol

We really need more Kiko and Emoji, definitely best thing in this arc.

Taking into account how Nemo always hid her true nature, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not friends anymore, with Tomoko and Yuri she can be herself after all.
No no, that's the good thing, Sachi x Minami are perfect toxic yuri couple, Sachi was always painted as being a little too attached to Minami even, it's why she didn't care about losing the other two friends.

It's more like I could be doing something useful with my life instead lol
Like working
Biggest accomplishment recently is getting out of bed to play Elden Ring :aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
I wouldn't outright call him a normie, but by comparison he's definitely the only normal person there lol

We really need more Kiko and Emoji, definitely best thing in this arc.

Taking into account how Nemo always hid her true nature, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not friends anymore, with Tomoko and Yuri she can be herself after all.
No no, that's the good thing, Sachi x Minami are perfect toxic yuri couple, Sachi was always painted as being a little too attached to Minami even, it's why she didn't care about losing the other two friends.

It's more like I could be doing something useful with my life instead lol
Like working
Biggest accomplishment recently is getting out of bed to play Elden Ring :aquadrink:
I need more Nemo. Too bad she was just a side character.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
I get it now, if it is a .1-3 chapter, the release is every 15 days, which is on an exact payday.

If it is a full chapter, the release happens after a FULL month, 31 days if March, etc... I guess this how the author arranged his payment with the publisher. Maybe this is why sometimes we need to wait 2 weeks or 5 weeks.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 16, 2020
yoshida should figure out a way to get the fuck our of there before komi gets to them.

komi is fucking autistic. like, unironically. she is literally on the spectrum. she's an unhinged sperg.
So are Tomoko, Yuri, Futaki, (edit: Sayaka too) and Tomoki himself. Kotori is not compatible with Tomoki because of being too similar to Tomoko. Sachi is a '''high-functioning''' sociopath obsessed with social rules and subversion. Wouldn't work with Tomoki who would find the lack of honesty a pain in the ass. Kotori is sincere, but can't keep it to herself in public. Yoshida is the only one that has real tension with him and could get emotionally intimate.
8 years that got nowhere.

Multiple gay characters? The only characters confirmed lgbt at all are Tomoko, who's clearly bisexual, and Emoji, who's always treated as a punchline, everyone else is open to interpretation.

Fandom being yuri leaning is meaningless since that don't stop many works of being bait that goes nowhere or even outright end in het.
And the group translating it is also meaningless.

Problem isn't simply that last year has been dragging Tomoki and the festival plot lines, but that in this time all plot related to him have been unquestionably romantic, even if he has no interest in any of the girls.
Literally 4 girls wanting to get into his pants, with Yoshida and Sachi maaaaaybe actually getting somewhere in the long run.
Sure it's obviously played for comedy, but it's still more or less straight up using harem plot we see in het romance manga unironically.

Meanwhile none of the yuri subtext was taken seriously, Tomoki had more actual romantic progress in 1 year than Tomoko had in fucking 8 years.
And as a bonus we are basically canonically losing Mako x Yoshida pairing, which was also always treated as a joke.
Seriously, makes it feel like all the yuri teasing so far was nothing but bait.

You might not want to see things too much in a negative light, but I know better than to trust or have expectations from non yuri authors.
I think no character is confirmed, we only get varied amounts of Bayesian evidence for each. Really strong for Tomoko and Emiri, moderate for Asuka, weak for the others. Did I miss some Word Of God?
oh god that face
shes too good for him and likewise he deserves a normal woman or no one
This story is about how all characters are real human beings that can all be a little socially awkward. Yoshida has no experience hiding her feelings unlike Sachi. Her awkward expression there is not that unexpected. A nice thing of Watamote is it shows how not even neurotypicals have perfect social skills. Truth In Television as far as I've observed.
Also remember that the characters are still teenagers, even if the audience is no longer, so we might project expectations and personalities of our stage of life in characters that are still green. (Sachi has had awkward moments too!)
Do you remember the poll for "favorite pairings". I think it was very clear what that was about. Btw, the top 20 results were:
  1. Tomoko and Yuri (19,485)
  2. Tomoko and Nemo (10,189)
  3. Tomoko and Ucchi (6,505)
  4. Sachi and Koharu (5,840)
  5. Yuri and Nemo (5,696)
  6. Tomoko and Asuka (4,973)
  7. Tomoko and Tomoki (4,408)
  8. Tomoko and Kotomi (2,858)
  9. Mako and Yoshida (2,616)
  10. Tomoki and Sachi (2,383)
  11. Tomoko and Yoshida (2,218)
  12. Tomoko and Yuu (2,189)
  13. Hokari and Kotomi (2,104)
  14. Koharu and Futaki (1,838)
  15. Tomoko and Megumi (1,736)
  16. Tomoko and Sasaki (1,726)
  17. Tomoki and Yoshida (1,565)
  18. Tokomo and Shizuku (1,522)
  19. Yuri and Yoshida (1,408)
  20. Tomoko and Kiko (1,364)
Granted, that was a few years ago at this point, but they still wrote obviously shippy one-shots for the top five. So while I think this arc has gone on too long, I don't really think it's justified to be massively betrayed or whatever. Given the history and the fanbase of the manga, they'd have to be pretty fuckin' dumb to just ditch that. I say that, but then again, remember what Kaishaku did with Amnesian? Jesus fucking christ that was bad.
Of the Tomoko pairings, only Tomoko x Asuka and Tomoko x Nemoto make sense. Tomoko has had no sexual tension with anyone else. A lot with Asuka and not much on Nemo's part. Tomoko maybe sees her that way but does Nemo?
Tomoko could go out with Emiri out of curiosity if the had the guts to confess, but it probably wouldn't go far.
Yuri is jealous for Tomoko's attention, similar to Sachi and Koharu. But those are emotional dependence. Koharu is childish and dependent, and Sachi is used to Koharu's attention. Fear of abandonment? Narcissist need for attention? Anyway, jealously doesn't happen in romance alone. Weak evidence, would be very surprising if Sachi and Koharu ended together.
There are a lot of jokes with Mako being a lesbian, so much ships with her, but I really can't see any evidence. What did I miss?
Honestly, I think Yoshida is the only solid character that could get with Tomoki. Everyone else are a bit too weird. Maybe once Tomoki gets over his prejudice with Yoshida, he could appreciate her.
It's not a matter of being weird; they all are. Given autism is strongly genetic, Tomoki is probably just well-masked and high-functioning. Or just barely neurotypical.
This is a matter of compatibility. As I said, I think Yoshida is more compatible with Tomoki.
Agreed, especially the part about it's probably because he's the only male character they could use.
In lack of a better term, Tomoki is too much of a "normie" to be in his sister's universe and should be left alone as an unfortunate bystander / side character to her shenanigans as it was before.

Kiko (the cousin) and Emoji's dynamic was the best interaction I've read in a while.

I remember Nemo used to hang out with some guys in her circle before befriending Tomoko, but I guess the story has gone way too far to explore their development. Glasses Guy shows up once in a while but it's probably too late.
I'm also biased because I just really dislike Sachi. Her story with Minami just gives a toxic vibe to me and I honestly just skim through whenever they show up.

And no worries about the ranting :LOL: we're all just expressing out our frustration with the Tomoki/cultural festival arc. We have to get it out of our system and get ready for the next one. Ranting in the internet is a-ok (y)
Tomoki doesn't completely feel like a normie.
Yeah if the story keeps spawning arcs for secondary characters in the arc, and more for the secondaries in those we'd en up with seven billion arcs. I find it very nice that we can see the social dynamics and thoughts of so many characters that feel like real people (anime was not a mistake) and move from the protagonist-centered view and Tomoko as cringe humor phase. It's great that we get to know all these loners and non-loners but it can get very dilluted and having so many long arcs at once, which guarantees some long periods of being in an arc with characters or plots that some don't like.
But it doesn't feel like the author is trying to please everyone. I think they are writting whatever they want, and so far, it's awesome.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
True. It would be interesting where it goes if it's with her, but I think I lean more towards Yoshida since I like her more.
Tomoki will also follow first girl wins trope, in non-degen it will be Yoshida. In degen mode, which has 80% possibility of happening, Tomoko.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
So are Tomoko, Yuri, Futaki, (edit: Sayaka too) and Tomoki himself. Kotori is not compatible with Tomoki because of being too similar to Tomoko. Sachi is a '''high-functioning''' sociopath obsessed with social rules and subversion. Wouldn't work with Tomoki who would find the lack of honesty a pain in the ass. Kotori is sincere, but can't keep it to herself in public. Yoshida is the only one that has real tension with him and could get emotionally intimate.
Nope, none of those characters are autistic, they're just varying levels of socially awkward or just straight-up stupid. Futaki is actually neither, she literally just a quiet girl who likes games.
And Sachi isn't really a "sociopath" either, deep down she does care about Koharu, even though she doesn't accept it herself. Her obsession with "social standings" is simply a veneer for some deep-seated insecurity. She's basically a prettier, meaner version of Tomoko.

Komiyama, though, is a different breed altogether. She hyperfixates (Lottes, Tomoki), has zero social aptitude, says crazy shit out of nowhere, sees things and people in nonsensical absolutes (if a woman so much as gazes at Tomoki, she's a "filthy sow") and completely loses all semblance of functioning when stressed out. Her shit's all retarded.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 16, 2020
Nope, none of those characters are autistic, they're just varying levels of socially awkward or just straight-up stupid. Futaki is actually neither, she literally just a quiet girl who likes games.
And Sachi isn't really a "sociopath" either, deep down she does care about Koharu, even though she doesn't accept it herself. Her obsession with "social standings" is simply a veneer for some deep-seated insecurity. She's basically a prettier, meaner version of Tomoko.

Komiyama, though, is a different breed altogether. She hyperfixates (Lottes, Tomoki), has zero social aptitude, says crazy shit out of nowhere, sees things and people in nonsensical absolutes (if a woman so much as gazes at Tomoki, she's a "filthy sow") and completely loses all semblance of functioning when stressed out. Her shit's all retarded.
Tomoko definitely has something. And as Temple Grandin said, most of the socially akward nerds are actually autistic.
Sachi's insecurity would be narcissism then. She cares too much about her public image and always has to come on top. It would be the grandiose kind of narcissism as she doesn't seem to enjoy being a victim. Probably only a bit of narcissism, not an acute case.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
most of the socially akward nerds are actually autistic.
lmao what? no they're not. despite what the internet might tell you, autism is a rare condition. narcissism as well, for that matter. just because someone is awkward, or weird, or unsociable, or an asshole, doesn't mean they have a mental disorder. there's no reason to think tomoko or sachi's character flaws are anything more than that.

also, tomoko has changed a lot over time and became almost a different person after making friends. even sachi has shown some level of growth, and it's heavily implied her whole "mean girl" shtick is just a façade. komiyama on the other hand has not changed one bit and has arguably become even more unhinged as the story progressed.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
So are Tomoko, Yuri, Futaki, (edit: Sayaka too) and Tomoki himself. Kotori is not compatible with Tomoki because of being too similar to Tomoko. Sachi is a '''high-functioning''' sociopath obsessed with social rules and subversion. Wouldn't work with Tomoki who would find the lack of honesty a pain in the ass. Kotori is sincere, but can't keep it to herself in public. Yoshida is the only one that has real tension with him and could get emotionally intimate.

I think no character is confirmed, we only get varied amounts of Bayesian evidence for each. Really strong for Tomoko and Emiri, moderate for Asuka, weak for the others. Did I miss some Word Of God?

This story is about how all characters are real human beings that can all be a little socially awkward. Yoshida has no experience hiding her feelings unlike Sachi. Her awkward expression there is not that unexpected. A nice thing of Watamote is it shows how not even neurotypicals have perfect social skills. Truth In Television as far as I've observed.
Also remember that the characters are still teenagers, even if the audience is no longer, so we might project expectations and personalities of our stage of life in characters that are still green. (Sachi has had awkward moments too!)

Of the Tomoko pairings, only Tomoko x Asuka and Tomoko x Nemoto make sense. Tomoko has had no sexual tension with anyone else. A lot with Asuka and not much on Nemo's part. Tomoko maybe sees her that way but does Nemo?
Tomoko could go out with Emiri out of curiosity if the had the guts to confess, but it probably wouldn't go far.
Yuri is jealous for Tomoko's attention, similar to Sachi and Koharu. But those are emotional dependence. Koharu is childish and dependent, and Sachi is used to Koharu's attention. Fear of abandonment? Narcissist need for attention? Anyway, jealously doesn't happen in romance alone. Weak evidence, would be very surprising if Sachi and Koharu ended together.
There are a lot of jokes with Mako being a lesbian, so much ships with her, but I really can't see any evidence. What did I miss?

It's not a matter of being weird; they all are. Given autism is strongly genetic, Tomoki is probably just well-masked and high-functioning. Or just barely neurotypical.
This is a matter of compatibility. As I said, I think Yoshida is more compatible with Tomoki.

Tomoki doesn't completely feel like a normie.
Yeah if the story keeps spawning arcs for secondary characters in the arc, and more for the secondaries in those we'd en up with seven billion arcs. I find it very nice that we can see the social dynamics and thoughts of so many characters that feel like real people (anime was not a mistake) and move from the protagonist-centered view and Tomoko as cringe humor phase. It's great that we get to know all these loners and non-loners but it can get very dilluted and having so many long arcs at once, which guarantees some long periods of being in an arc with characters or plots that some don't like.
But it doesn't feel like the author is trying to please everyone. I think they are writting whatever they want, and so far, it's awesome.
You’re out of your mind if you think Watamote is an accurate representation of real human beings beings
a “little socially awkward” (well I would say in the beginning they were) but now some characters have been flanderized, it’s ridiculous. So my opinion remains unchanged, poor dude needs to stay away from these chicks

Edit: I replied to the wrong part of your comment instead of the one replying to me but yk
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
I think no character is confirmed, we only get varied amounts of Bayesian evidence for each. Really strong for Tomoko and Emiri, moderate for Asuka, weak for the others. Did I miss some Word Of God?
I don't have anything in particular to argue against the other parts, so I'll just reply mine lol
I would argue Tomoko is the only one basically "confirmed", it's pretty clear she is into women too, Emiri might be bisexual too as far as we know, but as usual mangaka will never outright say anything, they love to leave things open to interpretation after all, even when it's not necessary.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023
lmao yoshida look so adorable on page 11, also funny asf tuning out glasses-chan/komiyama :kek:

i honestly want to see more of tomoki/sachi but yoshida & tomoki work so great too

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