It's fun how this manga is getting so old it is simply chronologicaly impossible this girl was playing both Smash Bros for 3DS while it was trendy and watching a livestream of New Horizon while still being in High School.
Anyway, I have a huge problem with the idea that nowaday simply being female would bring you 10x more view than if you are a guy, even if I'm not naive enough to be surprised that on the internet entertainment world, you litteraly have 10 times more value than if you are a guy, and if I was born female myself, I would probably take advantage of this myself.
You can always say that they still make efforts in gaining view, but I simply do not believe it.
Unfortunaly, I have yet to see a female streamer being more interesting than any guy. Every female streamer I've watched on occasion sounded super fake to me. I've yet to see a simple looking girl, simply enjoying video games getting a medium sized but solid comunity without her having to make fake accidental panties shorts or zoom on her boobs.
I'm just disapointed on Shiki, I really though she'd not ressort on doing lewd to gain views.