Watari-kun no ×× ga Houkai Sunzen - Vol. 9 Ch. 49 - Two Choices I Don't Want to Answer

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Huh the manga where author throws in a beta cuck into harem? That's like mixing oil and water without emulsifier.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Really? Satsuki is horrible. You'd have to be crazy to even consider it, which I guess the MC is.
Double-page supporter
Apr 19, 2018
I feel sorry for Ishihara. She's mostly a lovely girl (though with a hint of yandere) but actually has somewhat low self-esteem and is unsure of herself. Thus, despite the fact that she got handed a bunch of winning cards, she's playing her hand as badly as possible. Poor thing.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
we're so dead, it's game over man. nice boat ending incoming.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
If it's a 3-way boat ending, i would be ok.
Less stressful than the perpetual sense of dread permeating all the actions and words of the characters.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2018
This manga is such a shitshow, but at least it has some awareness based on Umezawa's reaction on page 8 -- "Slap that bitch trying to steal your man! Yeah! She's doing it!".

The sad thing is I don't even remember what this was originally about.
Group Leader
Feb 14, 2019
@PlummetPeach Even if you hurt the author's sales in the progress? Yikes man. Also, could have just edited in my translations from the previous chap
Jan 14, 2020
>Even if you hurt the author's sales in the progress? Yikes man.
Alright, let me list some points.
1. This chapter is literally in the middle of a volume (3/6), so this *probably* will not hurt that much sales as readers still need to buy the whole volume (9) anyway.
2. AFAIK, a lot of readers (fans) who are going to buy the official release are probably gonna buy the complete set anyway.
3. Do I actually intend to translate this until the end? TBH, no, not really. This is really just a spur of the moment kinda thing. I was just trying to find the raws after reading the last 2 chapters (thanks to your scanlation group BTW) and managed to find it. Hell, even on the description it's written "RIP the usual ripper guy, no more free monthly magazine raws", which means this is probably gonna be the last magazine's raw of this series, *which* means that I will probably never get my hand on another raw of this as I don't intend to buy magazines (volume raws maybe). Anyway, I read the chapter and I thought "Wow, this is an interesting chapter, and at my current level of ultra beginner in Japanese this was a pretty easy one too. I wonder what other people think about this chapter", and as I'm trying to find ways to train my English and Japanese comprehension and production, doing translation would be a pretty good and fun ways don't you think?

So, to summarize those 3 points: you can't buy half a volume, actual fans are going to buy the whole set (probably), and the fact that this is more like just a one off thing, I *think* this will not really hurt sales and *maybe* even boost sales as now it's temporarily on the front page of MD, more people will see it, people who doesn't know yet will get interested and maybe become a fan and buy the official thing anyway! (Okay, maybe for that last point you think I'm just being too optimistic and I agree, but I hope at least that the other points removes some of your negative thinking about me).

>Also, could have just edited in my translations from the previous chap
Using gimp + touchpad is painful and tedious enough. I'm trying to minimize effort here.

Have a nice day!

Shit, this thing won't end up in /r/scanlationdrama won't it?
Feb 4, 2018

Even if you hurt the author's sales in the progress?

Well, this translation helped me discover this, and if i buy this manga, it will be BECAUSE of the fan-translation.

Anyway, i want to see how this story end before i buy it, i prefer to avoid buying rom-coms before it's ended, because a lot of time, you will get really disappointed.

So basically @PlummetPeach Thank you for the translation, the story is probably near the end anyway now that Satsuki is really in.
Group Leader
Feb 14, 2019

Nah it's all good, lol. I'm not here to judge how people use their time. It's just beyond me as to why people would keep doing a licensed manga, but it's reassuring to know that you (hopefully) won't keep going (since that would honestly ruin the whole thing of us dropping it in the first place).

Sorry if I sounded a bit rude at first, but this project is still pretty important to me (was hella sad after it got licensed), so I hope you understand~
Jan 14, 2020
Yeah, the reason I was going for this one is because on the "Series" comment section someone said
or if any other group wants it. all yours. enjoy doods
But this is more like a side learning thing, and I doubt I could get more raws anyway.

>Sorry if I sounded a bit rude at first,
Yeah, the "Yikes" kinda gets me haha.

>but this project is still pretty important to me (was hella sad after it got licensed), so I hope you understand~

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