Can we has more violence? PLEASE? LIKE. FUCK. JESUS. You put FL through utter shit and all they end up with is effectively a light tap on the forehead. SHE'S GETTING HER FUCKING SPINE AND RIBS BROKEN OVER HERE. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Why do the artists do this??? They don't shy away from literally torturing the leads but when it comes to the antagonists, it's like, ohhhhhhh, nooooooooo, the main characters can't be so heartlesssssssssssss. Fuck that shit, I. WANT. BLOOD. THEIR FILTHY FUCKING BLOOD. SMEARED ON THE WALLS. FLOWING INTO THE RIVER. SPOUTING FROM THEIR DECAPITATED NECKS UP TO THE HIGH HEAVENS. The house is burning because of his dumb ass? GOOD. LET HIM BURN HIS WAY TO HELL. BUT BREAK A FEW FINGERS AND KNEES WHILE YOU'RE AT IT.
Okay. Whew. Glad I got all that out of my system. DEATH TO THE ENEMY!!!!!!! Sorry, just one last burp there.