Watashi no Shounen

Active member
Jan 31, 2018
Bet we'll get another time skip, like 2 or 3 more years after.. then he'll get her.
Double-page supporter
Jun 12, 2018
The author's interviews and volume end notes are very interesting. She seems very cognizant of the gender and age dynamics involved, and addressed it head on through some very difficult situations. We readers view with outrage the father's neglect and his angry response to Satoko's involvement in Mashuu's life, being that she clearly was the light in his eyes, his salvation and his heart's desire, just as he is to hers. Yet if the genders are reversed -- and it almost was -- I suspect many of us would have thought the father reacted appropriately.

She also said she set out to create a pure love story despite these circumstances. I say she achieved it magnificently. This is a masterwork, at times delicate, at other times intense, always with grace and candor. I am in love.
Feb 15, 2018
this manga is good. but mashuu is pretty unrealistic in its own way, he have some family problem and its not really convincing on how he really more mature than his peers while experiencing bad parenting.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2018
The way I see the story ending up is with their relation being forced to split up and her going with the glasses guy. (To forget/get rid of Mashu) But god no that is not the ending I want >,> (Read up to chapter 19
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
A 30 year old "falling in love" for a 12 year old is just a pedophile. It's not romance, it's a crime. It doesn't matter how pretty the child is, it's still a child!
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
Tbh Im not sold about Satoko x Mashuu. I want her to be in a platonic relationship with Mashuu, he is a nice boy... but... eh...

I dont like glasses guy, so no glasses guy either!
Group Leader
Jul 1, 2018
I think that, after Okujou-hime, this is the manga with the highest ratio of drama-to-soap-opera that I've seen. The characters have lots of reasons to be miserable, yet spend their days trying to minimise their misery. In other words, the polar opposite of GE, Kimi no Iru Machi, Unbalance Triangle etc.
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
Wherever the story goes, it will be painful. Whether they end or not together.
Somehow I'm not too cynical about the age gap concept given. I'm not a pedophile, alright.
Basically the idea is the same wherever someone's age is, there will be a distance that separates them. Between 17 yo and 24 yo, 20 yo and 39 yo, etc. The problem is, Mashuu is still underage.

On the one hand I don't see this as your typical Shoujo Manga that all goes full with fluffy and sweet scenes. And from this manga you make Mashuu x Satoko as your OTP, no.. this is completely different. Everything is taken in a considerate perspective, a more realistic approach with anxiety between love and the needs of one another. This is a concept that was given from the start by the author. Not seen in terms of crime, pedophiles and the like. I don't see this as something disgusting just because you love someone older. This is not hentai, all considerations are different from the relationship of sexuality

Satoko is a person who is full of doubts, skeptical, she is portrayed as someone who carries all the burden on her shoulder. Most likely she will reject Mashuu. But everything will be different if the story goes to a more serious route.
Satoko needs someone by her side, embrace her, calm her. These are points that will be dragged aside from age problems. The safest route is, everything takes time, the development of their relationship will be seen when Mashuu grows up. Mashuu will try to grow into an established, independent, responsible man...and this is a form of sacrifice I want to see.
Let's see from the needs of the condition itself.

I honestly like the title of this manga, My Boy
This can come from various meanings. Someone gets encouragement, inspired. Mashuu is the person who comes into her life, there is a possibility that future developments will change the meaning and outlook of her present life. "My Boy" is a picture of pride. Mashuu is the key of the whole story.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
Triple release?! What a time to be alive! We are finally caught up with the raws!
Feb 27, 2018
this is why sometimes I confused with how society think. Example like this, Satoko in her 30 and Mashuu in his 12. People might shout this is wrong, this is sad etc etc. Let's add 15 years ahead, will society still think the same, when both of them adults?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2018
@Merodia The problem people have isn't the age difference itself, but the fact that at the moment, one is a kid and the other an adult. It's generally accepted that the former lacks the maturity to fully consent and commit to a relationship while the latter is fully grown and able to exert significant power (financially, physically, psychologically, you name it) over the other.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
@Meriodia idk how it works in Japan but their is such a thing called "grooming" laws in the US and this is the legal definition "Child grooming refers to an act of deliberately establishing an emotional connection with a child to prepare the child for child abuse. Child grooming is undertaken usually to carry out sexual abuse and other child exploitation like trafficking of children, child prostitution or the production of child pornography."

Obviously im not implying Satoko is guilty of this since she was actually innocently trying to improve the life of a child whos clearly been abused and neglected and not some type of fake emotional relationship but im sure this but as @Strongstache mentioned the imbalance in this type of relationship does warrant a lot of red flags...obviously once both parties are legal consenting adults that its no ones business but even if they just wait and dont do anything intimate it can be interpreted as predatory by Satoko

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