That glasses guy is so me. lol
I love gender bender and I try to get all my friends to read this specific gender bender novel called Reborn as my Love Rival's Wife which is my favorite novel, but none of them like to read and no matter how much I preach to get them interested in it by only bringing up it's comedic points cause it's a very funny novel (and by not mentioning that it's a romance novel where the MC ends up falling in love with a guy even though he used to be a guy too...yea, they'll completely avoid it on the basis that it's gay if I tell them that) so even after all that trying I only got them to read the first one or two chapters(the romance picks up late so nobody will figure out, and by the time they do, they'll already be invested in it)...they liked it so far, but couldn't bother to continue when they put it down for a moment. They just find reading to be a pain.
So I brought it out in the middle of class and started reading to them. lol
...I basically read the beginning to the whole class. Which turned out to be good cause a bunch of girls got interested in it and actually read the whole thing themselves. lol (Now they think I might be gay or something since I'm into these sorts of stories and I've never had a girlfriend.)