We Shall Now Begin Ethics - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - In Search of an Ideology

Jan 20, 2018
Another great chapter. This Manga really gets people thinking and I love it. Hope this Manga will last as long as it can.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 10, 2018
Jesus christ. This took the longest time to read through a single chapter BUT its so freaking enjoyable.

Thank you!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
Despite everything, Aizawa is adorable. <3 Another great chapter, btw. Loving this period of daily updates.
Apr 20, 2018
Kinda superficial discussion on socialism, but that's half expected. It's not the main point of the Manga. The author's MO is to use ethics as a topic to present how a japanese HS student would understand and apply that concept in their own lives. The point is to show how there's competing ideologies and how common sense would see it as 'me the isolationist', 'they the sheeple'.
And how ethics can elevate that common sense to 'collectivism due to the historical development of an agricultural society'.
Even tough it takes some shortcut, I think it's great if it makes people see there's more to things than they initially thought. That things are historically determined.

The Black book of communism is not a good source. Besides the criticism already stated in the wiki, a good counterargument is that no country has ever purposefully created hunger; it is disingenuous how the authors claims that number of deaths, without mentioning that a good portion is due to hunger caused by exceptional climate and trade sanctions from western powers.
In the case of sanctions and trade war, you could even tally those deaths as caused by capitalism. The other argument is that capitalism kills a lot more than sociaism, especially the US with its unending wars.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
This chapter HITS ME SO HARD! I'm a part if individualist. I honestly don't mind being alone, and find it's fine, but sensei is right, we can't live alone, so I'm socialising sometimes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"In 1922 Soviet Union started as socialist country. Then some stuff happened and by the end of 20th century the country fell apart"

That's... a very abridged history of USSR.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
I mean, too strict of a economic ideaology in any form is bad. Capitalism can promote the dollar before human life, throwing people into poverty for illness, and unable to sustain themselves even with multiple jobs. This can lead to situations where people are working themselves to death because they were born in a bad situation, while a person who was born wealthy can become even wealthier than they would ever need to be. Communism/socialism in their purest forms are good, but are easily corruptable by someone who seeks to misuse them. Additionally, they tend to (unintentionally) dissuade technological advances, not because they aren't seen as useful but because there is no real incentive to innovate.

I just think a social-democracy is one of the better ways of looking at it. Everyone deserves to live. Everyone deserves to not have to worry about starving because their paycheck was less than they thought this month. Everyone deserves to not have to worry about dying because they can't afford life saving medication or medical attention. I think the government providing a very basic safety net of care snd empathy but allowing for individuals to advance upward to buy their own luxurious comfort is a better way to look at it.
Active member
Nov 27, 2018
@lightng " a good counterargument is that no country has ever purposefully created hunger; it is disingenuous how the authors claims that number of deaths, without mentioning that a good portion is due to hunger caused by exceptional climate and trade sanctions from western powers.
In the case of sanctions and trade war, you could even tally those deaths as caused by capitalism. The other argument is that capitalism kills a lot more than sociaism, especially the US with its unending wars." That is just patently false, the soviets literally committed genocide on the Ukrainians by starvation.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I’m trying to say, albeit not well, is that both ideologies warp information to their own benefit. You say that no country has never purposely created hunger, but many think the Holodomor did exactly that. And yet that’s an over-simplified view once again, because there are other factors at play. Also, the Irish potato famine obviously had no communism involved, but isn’t really talked about much because it makes the West look bad. I think the point we’re both making is to not take anything at face value; even history.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
This chapter..
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
Gotta love all the wannabe commies who are not even 20 years old in the comment section getting butthurt about their dear socialism getting portrayed as bad in the manga and whining about it from their iphones, all only possible because of the comfy lives they lead are the result of living on a capitalistic country and society.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
I really love this manga.. Really gives me a new perspective about things.. Also the fact that I learn philosophy and ethics while I read manga is a big plus..

Thanks for the translation!!

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