We Shall Now Begin Ethics - Vol. 5 Ch. 24 - Hime and the Thief, Part Two

Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019

I have no idea about Japan, but I think some juvienile systems pretty much treat it as a prison system, but a little bit more strict, where they have only family be the visitors, if there are any face to face visitation rights.

Also ultimately Kant was very much an idealist, who hoped that everyone would act in a good Christian way in regards to morals and ethics. It also comes at the time period in which Kant lived in, which was the height and beggining of the Enlightenment Era, before the messiness that came with France and the revolution had come at the tail end of his life. Very much like Plato, who sought this nigh unreachable level of "rightness" to actions, when very much we as of now know, out of cynicism or expereince, that life requires you to bend your morals at times to actually make a truly moral desicion. It why I like Hegel more, leaves me sitting on a fence half the time racking over understandings, but at times, it is necessary to listen to the antithesis of what position I have.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019

Prior the conversation, she was doing things because she could, and going through life's motions without doing anything to improve her position. Mostly to either maintain, in the case of the class announcements, or an act of rebellion, the stealing of things she really doesn't need. After the converstation, she is given a mirror to look into herself, and now has become conscious of what her friend truly did to her. Sure her friend gave her a sense of support and freedom outside of her home life, but if that sense of life comes at the breaking of laws, it is only a temporary relief as eventually one will get caught and punished.

Her actions now are less about "doing good things because its expected of her" or "doing bad things because she can", but her understanding the why she's doing it and realizing the inconstinecies between herself and what she projects to other people.
Active member
Dec 11, 2018
I'm not a native english speaker too m8 don't worry.

"Spook" is a meme word. The more suitable words for it are "illusion" or "ghost". People use the term spooks because it sounds funny.

The basics of it is easily understandable. Here's one example: Does law exist? The short, regular answer is yes, obviously.

Well, have ever actually seen the law? No, right? You just kinda know that it exists, even though it can't be seen, smelt, tasted, heard etc. The existence of law is like ghosts or illusions, they don't exist, but your mind makes it real through social interactions, social pressure etc. So, law is a spook. And so is friendship. And so is marriage. And so is family. All social constructs are spooks, and they're unethical and wrong (except property? Stirner excluded owning property for some reason).

Basically, it's individualism taken to the logical extreme (like off-the-compass extreme). This philosophy is often called "egoism", and the political ideology is "anarcho-egoism", because yeah states are also spooks.

TL;DR anything I don't like is spook
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I think Takayanagi wanted her at the very least to understand that "doors close". Teenagers don't really realize this, they think they can just put things back how they were anytime.
This is made worse when they're counseled by people such as the "kind" teacher, who had good intentions but ultimately acted as an enabler to her shitty behavior. "Don't worry, you can always talk to me, I'll help you! Except if you get caught again, then you're definitely getting expelled lol."

Also that her friend was a giant bitch, but he was a little subtler on that one.
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019

Stupid teenagers: "Adults will never understand us"
Adult: "What? Bitch, I was kid too at one point. Fuck you on about not understand?"

I love this manga for one sole reason. He calls them out on their shit in an intellectual manner with wisdom and philosophy. There are other people who do this viewing the world outside the box.......comedians. Comedians are a great source when it comes to looking at certain ideals of people, scrutinizing the masses and belittling it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
I love this manga so damn much. Thank you translators for all your hard work. Really appreciate you guys
May 11, 2018
Forced. Or someone explain to me why the sensei became so edgy? He never had any significant contact whatsoever with her to figure anything out.
Feb 11, 2019
@bonkleboi He would have heard about her from her homeroom teacher, and likely took some interest since she's in his class and just committed a crime. He might have also had suspicions that parts of her personality were fake by observing her in class, etc. If he learned of her friend (again, probably from the homeroom teacher), and discovered the fact that she was in juvie, then I think that's a reasonable amount of information to connect some dots and come to the conclusion he did. Sensei has always been edgy though lol
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Hoowee what a tense chapter, Takayanagi really knows how to make a deep impression on his students, even though he looks a bit silly whipping out another cigarette after extinguishing the old one

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